=================================== = English Translation Changelog = =================================== Attention! Don't steal this translation project!!! Just add credits! [Lupus] Date Added ======== 2009-3-11 * added Premier's latest item descriptions and other updated files. [Argatlahm] * added tipoftheday_e which should be compatible with certain langtypes on the client. [Argatlahm] 2009-1-21 * added Premier's latest item descriptions. [Argatlahm] 2008-10-12 * updated msgstringtable by $ephiroth. [Argatlahm] * updated questid2display by $ephiroth. [Argatlahm] * updated jobinheritlist by $ephiroth. [Argatlahm] * updated item descriptions by $ephiroth. [Argatlahm] * corrected names of items 11509, 7606, 7816, 2383, 2541. [Argatlahm] * corrrected Sakray Test item names. [Argatlahm] 2008-09-02 * Added recent kro item desc patch 2008-08-27 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Added some new item desc by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed some desc & names by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed msgstringtable line 1185 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Added missing book 7127 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-08-14 * Added recent kro item desc patch up to 2008-08-13 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Updated/Added/Fixed a lot of items desc/name 13763, 2709, 5318, 6024, 13763, 2709, 5254,2681, 5362, 1565, 5371, 5427, 7773, 12300, 12301, 12302, 12300, 12301, 12302, 12246, 6001-6004 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Added Both mercenary skill names and Desc by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Removed Charisma from skilldesctable by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Updated msgstringtable by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Added questid2display.txt by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Removed Quest Display.txt from Dev folder.[Au{R}oN] * Added missing book 11010.txt by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-08-04 * Fixed bonus desc 5325 (ATK & MATK 2%) by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Removed bonus desc 5147 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Updated bonus desc 5191 (INT + 1) by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Updated bonus desc 5210 (INT + 1, AGI + 1) by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Updated bonus desc 5211 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Updated bonus desc 5214 (DEX + 2) by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed equip 5243 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed a typos names of 7416 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed desc & names 5403 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed a typos by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Added recent kro item desc 2008-07-30 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Changed weight 5391, Crunch Toast (10 to 0) by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-07-30 * Ups :O. [Au{R}oN] * Updated item desc to recent kro patch 2008-07-23 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Added desc 7921, Essence Of Dragon by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Renamed skilldesctable to skilldesctable2 for support New Skill Tree in English by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Added some monster ring names from tRO by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Updated some monster ring descriptions by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed Applicable Job 2131, Book Of Charms by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Removed Required Level 5361, 5362, 5389 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Updates desc 5389, Angel Of Ghost by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Solved the problem with jobinheritlist and Super novice by Adrilindozao. [Au{R}oN] * Updates jobinheritlist by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Updated desc 7923, Krathong by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed some typos names 13755, 13852 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed names 7829, 13108, 7798, 7799 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Updated mapnametable to kro by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed desc 5423, I Love China by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-07-22 * Fixed some skill level in skilltreeview.txt by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Re-Added jobinheritlist.txt and skilltreeview.txt, atm there some problem with class that have different names in iRO/kRO (Scholar->Professor etc). [Au{R}oN] 2008-07-21 * Added missing ID and #. [Au{R}oN] * Removed jobinheritlist.txt and skilltreeview.txt. There're NO reason to put these files in a translation project. - They are already inside kRO client and need no translation, just like sprite txt (resnametable.txt), we can't put all unnecessary text files. - You need it? Update the client. [Au{R}oN] 2008-07-16 * Added some names. $ephiroth - 12319, Strawberry Cake. - 12321, Sandwich Dessert. * Updates mapnametable. * Updates desc 12221, Megaphone. * Updates desc 12220, Level 5 Adrenaline Rush Scroll. * Updates desc 2742, Lucky Clip. * Updates desc 13969, Lucky Clip Box. * Fixed desc 12219, Level 10 Wind Walk Scroll. 2008-07-15 * corrected description of 2767. [Argatlahm] 2008-07-12 * Added recent kro patch 2008-07-09. $ephiroth * Changed some weight. - Desc 12322, Chocolate Pie (30 to 5). - Desc 7820, Piece Of Morocc Skin (1 to 0). - Desc 7826, Continental Guard Certificate (1 to 0). * Added desc 2438, Cat's Paw. * Added desc 5405, Filir Hat. * Added desc 5306, Freya's Crown. * Added desc 5387, Nekomimi Kafra Headband. * Added desc 5389, Angel Of Ghost. * Added some desc & names. * Fixed some desc & names. * Updates msgstringtable. * Fixes some typos. 2008-07-02 * Updated new item desc & names from pRO. $ephiroth * Fixed some colour tags. 2008-07-02 * Added recent kro patch 2008-07-01. $ephiroth * Fixed desc 13177, Glorious_Gatling_Gun. * Fixed mapnametable & names. * Updates some names. - 13416, Glorious_Blade_(A) to Glorious_Flamberge. - 13417, Glorious_Blade_(B) to Glorious_Rapier. - 13418, Glorious_Blade_(C) to Glorious_Avenger - 1310, Glorious_Battle_Axe_(A) to Glorious_Cleaver. - 1576, Glorious_Book_(A) to Glorious_Tablet. - 1577, Glorious_Book_(B) to Glorious_Apocalipse. - 1826, Glorious_Knuckle_(A) to Glorious_Claw. - 1827, Glorious_Knuckle_(B) to Glorious_Fist. - 1187, Glorious_Katzbalger to Glorious_Claymore. - 1281, Glorious_Katar_(A) to Glorious_Roar. - 1282, Glorious_Katar_(B) to Glorious_Jamadhar. - 1382, Glorious_Battle_Axe_(B) to Glorious_Axe. - 1743, Glorious_Bow to Glorious_Hunter_Bow. 2008-07-01 * Updates by Adrilindozao. - jobinheritlist + skilltreeview fix. 2008-06-30 * Updates desc 13307. * Fixed desc Diablos Ring. * Fixed desc Diablos Boots. * Fixed a typos desc & names. 2008-06-28 * Updates the latest kro patch 2008-06-25. [$ephiroth] * Updates mapnametable. * Updates desc 5413, 5414, 14296, 5417, 1186, 6011 - 6019. * Added desc 5407, 2751, 5401, 5402, 5403. * Added names 5417, 2750. * Fixed desc 13036, Assassin Damascus. * Fixed some desc and names. 2008-06-24 * Fixed desc 1980, Rope Of Unbalance. * Fixed desc 1925, Chello. 2008-06-23 * Fixed a typos 2764, Small Fishing Rods. * Updates some descriptions. * Added some missing ID and # by [Au{R}oN]. 2008-06-21 * Updates some ring descriptions. - 2765, 2766, 2767, 2768, 2769, 2770, 2771. * Updates some boxes desc according to kro. * Fixed desc 14593, Amplify Magic Power lvl 10. 2008-06-19 * Added recent kro patch 2008-06-17. [$ephiroth] * Added desc & names from idRO. - 14293, Mercenary Contract Box. - 14294, Mercenary Contract Box(5). - 14295, Mercenary Contract Box(10). - 6050, Mercenary Contract. * Added desc & names from pRO. - 5415, Poring Cake Hat. - 5416, Beer Hat. * Fixed Equip Set 2133, Tournament Shield. * Fixed desc 5286 (bonus + aspd 5%). * Updated some desc & names (Six Kinds Of Fonts). * Fixed some card descriptions. - 4175, Poisonous Toad Card. - 4253, Alice Card. - 4254, Tirfing Card. * Fixed and added some ring desc & names. 2008-06-17 * Fixed jobinheritlist + skilltreeview. - Fixed Job Mage problems. * Fixed desc 5403. 2008-06-16 * Fixed 13500 (duration to 60 minutes). * Fixed 2367 (bonus +1 crit per 10 luk). * Fixed 1564 (bonus +1 crit per 5 luk). * Fixed desc 5298. * Fixed some names. 2008-06-14 * Updated desc 5140. [$ephiroth] * Fixed names 5106,5201,13960,7623,13940,14591. * Added translation 13940,14591,13960,7623 by David Boy. * Fixed 5286 (Attack speed - 5%). * Added unofficial desc about mercenary contract (idRO). * Fixed skilltreeview. * Fixed some typos desc & names. 2008-06-12 * Fixed typos korean desc. * Changed weight desc 2621-2626 (10->20). * Update desc 2644. 2008-06-11 * Added recent kro patch 2008-06-11. by $ephiroth [Lupus] * Update some descriptions. * Fixed some desc according to jAthena database. * Fixed desc 2124 (attack speed + 10%). * fixed desc 5365 (stun chances + 5%). * Update desc 5404, 5384, 13413. * Fixed some typos desc. 2008-06-10 * Update jobinheritlist + skilltreeview by Adrilindozao. * Corrected some descriptions. * Corrected some names. * Added some descriptions. * Corrected missing weight desc 2542. * Fixed req lvl desc 2542. * Fixed desc 5370 without req lvl. * Fixed weight desc 7059, 7060, 7061 to "0" according to kro. 2008-06-09 * Updated desc 1378, 13834, 13835, 14581, 12304 - 12309, 13975 - 13986. [$ephiroth] * Updated desc 14262, 14263, 14264, 14265, 14266, 14267. * Updated desc 14268, 14269, 14270, 14271, 14272, 14273. * Added names 13981, 13982, 13983. 2008-06-08 * Updated desc 14593, 14594, 1638, 2137, 14285, 14282, 2742, 13825. * Corrected desc 4354, 4367, 2515. 2008-06-07 * Changed Ids 12314 to 14231. * Fixed metalprocessitemlist.txt. * Corrected weight 663 in num2itemdesc. 2008-06-05 * Added recent kro items. * Added some item names. * Fixed some typos. * Fixed mapnametable. * Fixed desc 7919 according to iRO. * Corrected weight 663. * Updated desc 5360,1229,4373,1373,1130,1131,1138,11505,5411 & names 5411. * Updated desc 2415,1913,1162,1525,1140,1160. * Added desc 12323,12324,12325,2393,13415,1639,13040,13041,1545,1742,1381. * Fixed desc 11505,5044,2343,1145,1241. 2008-06-03 * Corrected desc 11505 in num2itemdesc. * Updated again msgstringtable. * Fixed Isilla card desc. * Fixed Magmaring card desc. * Fixed Shinobi Sash desc. * Applied skilldesctable by Brainstorm. - Fixed Pressure description stating it works against Emperium. - Corrected range of Assumptio. - Removed comment about a /join comment on novice basic skill. - Fixed AM_CREATECREATURE saying you need a Embryo Creation Book. - Corrected Ganbantein skill range to 9 cells. - Fixed Napalm Cast time to fixed 0.7 sec at all levels and have no cast delay. 2008-06-02 * Update some recent kro items desc & names. $ephiroth * Fixed name item of 2620. * Updated desc 2620. * Fixed msgstringtable. $ephiroth 2008-06-01 * Added recent kro items. $ephiroth * Added translation by Yommy + Adrilindozao. - jobinheritlist and skilltreeview. * Updated msgstringtable. * Updated mapnametable. 2008-05-31 * Fixed desc 2614, 2620, 5409, 5410. $ephiroth 2008-05-26 * Updated desc 5271, 5261. $ephiroth * Added desc 5800, 5260. * Fixed desc 5262. 2008-05-24 * Added following translations from 2008-05-14 to 2008-05-24 by $ephiroth: [Argatlahm] * Added recent kro items. * Added desc 12314, 14229, 7918, 7917. * Fixes desc Chinese Freya Set according to kRO. * Fixed a typos korean desc. 2008-05-14 * Updated desc 5262, 5801. 2008-05-11 * Corrected names of pRO headgears. [Argatlahm] * Corrected new pet egg, taming and food names and descriptions. * Change description of item 12260 to a proper translation. * Corrected names of WoE 2.0 related items according to iRO. 2008-05-08 * Added recent kro items. $ephiroth [Lupus] * Fixes a typos. 2008-05-01 * Added recent kro items. $ephiroth * Added item names 7917, 7918, 14229. 2008-04-27 * Corrected desc 5372,13918,13954,13955,13956,13957,13958. $ephiroth * Fixed Field Manual desc. * Added desc 14529. * Added recent kro items. 2008-04-21 * Updated mercenary skilldesctable. $ephiroth 2008-04-16 * Fixed item names 2546. $ephiroth * Added desc and item names 13994 - 13999, 14000 - 14003. * Added desc 11503 - 11504, 12246, 2441, 2546. 2008-04-14 * Updated msgstringtable line 1375. $ephiroth * Added desc 12716. * Fixed item names 12716. 2008-04-20 * Fixed item names 2546 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Added desc and item names 13994 - 13999, 14000 - 14003 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Added desc 11503 - 11504, 12246, 2441, 2546 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-04-17 * Updated HLIF_CHANGE & HAMI_BLOODLUST, accordingly to iRO Info & kRO desc $ephiroth [Lupus] 2008-04-14 * Updated msgstringtable line 1375 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Added desc 12716 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed item names 12716 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-04-12 * Added desc & item names 13991 - 13993, 5363 - 5367 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-04-10 * Added desc 14569 - 14574, 7821 - 7824, 13821 - 13824 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-04-05 * Added desc 13990, 14592, 12312, 7622 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Added temp. desc by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-04-04 * Added recent kro item by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] - Added desc 13987 - 13989, 5400 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] - Added item names 12304 - 12306, 13975 - 13977, 12310, 6010, 13987 - 13989 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] - Added item names 5400, 2441, 2546, 12716, 5402, 5404, 13990, 14592, 12312 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-03-28 * Fixed item names 5812 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Updated msgstringtable line 1355 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-03-26 * Corrected DEF desc 2719. 2008-03-19 * Added desc & item names 5395, 5396, 5397, 12303, 13974 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Corrected desc 5372, 5375 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-03-18 * Fixed msgstringtable.txt by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Updated msgstringtable.txt by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Added book reading system 7127 - 7133, 7144, 7434, 7755 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-03-13 * Fixed item names 7730 - 7741 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Updated desc 7915, 7916, 12715, 14534 - 14537 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Import missing desc 13722 - 13725 to num2itemdesc by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-03-12 * Added desc & item names 7915, 7916, 12715, 12300 - 12302 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Added desc & item names 12276 - 12278, 13896 - 13901 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-03-09 * Added desc 7722 - 7726, 7751 - 7755 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed desc 7730 - 7741,7756 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Import missing Ids desc 7751 - 7754 to idnum2itemdesctable by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-03-06 * Fixed Applicable job desc 2376 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-03-05 * Added desc & item names 6008, 5812, 5394, 2742, 13968 - 13973 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-02-28 * Corrected Required lvl desc 2730, 2731 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-02-27 * Fixed item names 13036, 13037 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Updated desc 13036, 13037 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixes desc 5340 - 5345 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Added desc & item names 7914, 12714, 13962 - 13967 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-02-24 * Added desc 5272, 5296, 5298, 5299, 7706, 7707, 7708, 7709, 13821, 13822, 13823, 13824 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Added desc 7805, 7806, 7807, 7808, 7809, 7810, 7812, 7813, 7814, 7815, 7816, 7817, 2709 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed desc 7881, 7811 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-02-23 * Added desc 5385 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed item names 2540, 2437 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed desc 2381, 2382, 2538, 2539 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed Required Level desc 2728 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-02-22 * Added desc 7603 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008-02-21 * Added desc 7710,1274 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2008/02/20 * Even more by $ephiroth. Why don't he/she (:F) join to the translation team? [NLZ] - Added recent kro item. - Added desc & item names 13915, 13916, 13917, 12287, 12288, 12289. - Added missing desc & item names 13942, 13943, 13944. - Fixed desc and names 5392. - Fixed names of 5393. - Added desc & names 13961, 13109, 13175, 2741, 2384, 2385, 2132, 2543, 2439, 5391. - Added desc & names 13951 - 13959. 2008/02/18 * Updates By $ephiroth. [NLZ] - Added some desc and item names. - Fixed missing weight desc 13937, 13938, 13939. - Fixed a typos. - Fixed item names 2435. - Fixed bugs report. 2008/02/11 * Added desc 5340 - 5345 thanks to $ephirot. [NLZ] 2008/02/10 * Corrected desc 13945, 13948 thanks to $ephirot. [NLZ] 2008/02/09 * Added desc 2614, 7857, 5307 thanks to $ephirot. [NLZ] 2008/02/08 * Corrected desc 13937, 13938, 13939 thanks to $ephirot. [NLZ] 2008/02/04 * Fixed desc 2378 by Skotlex. [NLZ] 2008/02/02 * Updates thanks to $ephirot. [NLZ] - Added desc 13909, 12294 - 12297, 13836 - 13841, 13861, 13862, 13866 - 13869, 14530, 14531 13734 - 13737,13864,13865. - Updated desc 13949, 13910, 12701. - Added item names 5383. 2008/02/01 * Updates thanks to $ephirot. [NLZ] - Added temp desc and item names 5392,5393 from idRO. - Added item name 2438. - Fixed effect 2438. - Fixed item names 13945, 13946. - Updated desc 7623, 12299, 13945 - 13950. 2008/01/30 * Updates thanks to $ephirot. [NLZ] - Fixed required weapon level 13167. - Update desc and item names 13945 - 13950 ,12298, 12299, 13960, 7623. - Fixed desc and item name 9038. - Updated pettalktable.xml 2008/01/27 * Updates thanks to $ephirot. [NLZ] - Latest update kro item 2008-1-23. - Added desc 7830 - 7840, 9038, etc. - Fixed some item names. - Updated msgstringtable. 2008/01/23 * Fixed desc 4420, 5187, 5313 and added some new thants to $ephiroth. [NLZ] 2008/01/16 * Updates thanks to $ephirot. [NLZ] 2007/12/29 * Updated with the latest kRO patch by $ephirot. [Au{R}oN] 2007/12/11 * Added some item names 2733, 2734, 2735, 2714, 7900, 7901, 7902, 7903, 7904, 7840, 13863, 13864, 13865 13866, 13867, 13868, 13869, 7839, 7830, 7831, 7832, 7833, 7834, 7835, 7836, 7837, 7838, 12269, 12270 12271, 12272, 12273, 13859, 13860, 12274, 12275 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2007/12/08 * Updated desc and item names 13871 - 13894 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed item names 7802 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Added desc and item names 12713 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Added item name 5371 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed desc and item names 5811, 7908 - 7911 by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Corrected some missing desc and item names by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2007/12/06 * Fixed some typo and added new items desc by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2007/12/04 * Reverted 'no msg' with 'NO MSG[n]' (n is a number). Why someone remove it? Its more comfortable for debug messages. [Au{R}oN] * Updated recent kro items by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed some desc by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed skilldesctable by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] * Updated mapnametable by $ephiroth. [Au{R}oN] 2007/10/17 * Added current kRO description. [-o-] 2007/10/16 * Fixed skill & items description by Playtester. [-o-] * Added japanese mobile items. [-o-] * Added kRO description by $ephiroth. [-o-] 2007/10/14 * Fixed more items name. [-o-] * Added more items name. [-o-] 2007/10/12 * Fixed cash items. [-o-] * Fixed little typos. [-o-] * Fixed lady tanee card & shadow walk by Playtester. [-o-] * Added equip set from satan morocc. [-o-] * Added SBR44 skill by Rytech. [-o-] * Added skull ring effect. [-o-] 2007/10/11 * Added current kRO description. [-o-] 2007/10/09 * Fixed field manual name. [-o-] 2007/10/07 * Fixed ninja suit equip set by theultramage. [-o-] * Fixed typos. [-o-] * Changed all card style. [-o-] 2007/10/06 * Added items description 13857, 13858, 14586, 5809 by $ephiroth. [-o-] * Added mRO event headgear. [-o-] 2007/10/03 * Fixed emergency scroll. [-o-] * Fixed Sniper card by $ephiroth & Playtester. [-o-] * Added current kRO description. [-o-] * Updated msgstingtable. [-o-] 2007/10/02 * Fixed Gemini-S58 card by Playtester. [-o-] * Fixed more typos. [-o-] * Fixed msgstringtable. [-o-] 2007/09/30 * Fixed satan morocc equip set. [-o-] * Fixed typos. [-o-] 2007/09/29 * Fixed Frigg's circlet set (test on official server). [-o-] 2007/09/28 * Fixed items name and description 13844, 7825, 12194. [-o-] * Added skill ALL_INCCARRY description. [-o-] * Added ToD. [-o-] * Changed Accy to Accessory. [-o-] * Updated msgstingtable. [-o-] 2007/09/26 * Fixed crap card by Playtester. [-o-] * Fixed items name "Month Cookie" to "Moon Cookie". [-o-] * Fixed typos. [-o-] * Added items name 2719. [-o-] 2007/09/25 * Fixed items description 2702, 2124, 2123, 2677, 2711. [-o-] * Fixed items description 2702, 2124 by $ephiroth & Playtester. [-o-] * Fixed typos. [-o-] 2007/09/24 * Fixed items description 1175, 1370, 1371, 4286, 4303 and more by Playtester & -o-. [-o-] - Changed all stat form. * Fixed more typos. [-o-] * Changed book name to prontera bible01. [-o-] * Added more monster skill by $ephiroth & -o-. [-o-] 2007/09/23 * Fixed items description 4367 by Playtester. [-o-] * Fixed typos. [-o-] * Added prontera bible book (Chinese language) by $ephiroth. [-o-] 2007/09/22 * Fixed items description 1265, 4263, 4353, 4354, 4367, 4394 by Playtester. [-o-] * Fixed items description 1241, 1262, 1263, 1264, 1370, 1371, 1522, 1815, 1969, 4333, 5177, 13006 by Playtester. [-o-] * Fixed more items by Playtester. [-o-] * Fixed msgstingtable by theultramage. [-o-] * Fixed typos. [-o-] * Changed "Every Trans Second Job" to "Rebirth 2nd Class or above". [-o-] 2007/09/21 * Fixed items ID 7804 to 2713 (current kRO desc.) by $ephiroth. [-o-] * Added more items description by $ephiroth. [-o-] 2007/09/20 * Fixed items name 7800, 1631, 1182. [-o-] * Added more items description by $ephiroth. [-o-] * Added items description 13804, 13805, 13806, 13807, 13808, 13844, 7825, & Satan Morocc by $ephiroth. [-o-] 2007/09/19 * Fixed items name 7795. [-o-] * Added description 5225, 5257, 5258. [-o-] * Updated 12.1 Resurrection of Satan Morocc [666] :3. [-o-] 2007/09/18 * Fixed description 1624, 13028, 1268, 1271, 4366, 2425, 1269 by Playtester & -o-. [-o-] 2007/09/17 * Added description 12152, 12190, 12191. [-o-] 2007/09/16 * Added missing items name and fixed typos. [-o-] 2007/09/15 * Added description 5259, 5272 by $ephiroth. [-o-] 2007/09/14 * Fixed devotion skill by theultramage. [-o-] * Fixed flip coin skill by Playtester. [-o-] * Fixed orlean's description by Christian. [-o-] * Fixed typos. [-o-] * Added new message by Samueloa & $ephiroth. [-o-] * Added Chinese Event Maps. [-o-] 2007/09/13 * Fixed items name 7886, 7888, 12706, 12707, 12708, 7605, 5211, 5212, 5213, 5214. [-o-] * Fixed typos. [-o-] * Fixed High quality sandals weight & required level by theultramage. [-o-] * Added description 14539, 14540, 14541, 14542, 14543, 14544. [-o-] * Added description 7605, 12194, 7886, 7887, 7888, 7889, 12706, 12707, 12708, 11702, 5324, 5325, 5284. [-o-] * Added description 13728, 13729, 13730, 13731, 13709, 5333 by $ephiroth. [-o-] * Added Japanese Event Maps. [-o-] * Added Thailand Event Maps by $ephiroth. [-o-] 2007/09/12 * Fixed items description to iRO 1370, 1371, 13163, 13164, 13167, 13168, 13169, 2680. [-o-] * Fixed items doom slayer 1% to 5% by Playtester. [-o-] * Fixed typos by $ephiroth. [-o-] * Changed "Ring of Minor Spirit" to "Lesser Elemental Ring". [-o-] * Updated recent kRO items by $ephiroth & -o-. [-o-] 2007/09/11 * Fixed skill "NJ_KAMAITACHI" by Playtester. [-o-] 2007/09/10 * Fixed items name 5324, 13710, 7776, 13711-13720, 14534-14537. [-o-] 2007/09/09 * Fixed items name 7777, 7778, 7823, 7824, 13823, 13824, 14572, 14573, 14574. [-o-] * Fixed items name 7725. [-o-] * Fixed Skill Cost "560 - 60" to "560 - 100" by Playtester. [-o-] * Added missing weight for 5190. [-o-] * Added Taiwan event maps. [-o-] 2007/09/08 * Fixed all 11.3 description by Playtester & -o-. [-o-] * Added more color tag. [-o-] * Added Ragnarok Indonesian Champion description by $ephiroth. [-o-] 2007/09/06 * Fixed items name 7800, 5322. [-o-] * Fixed rybio card by Playtester. [-o-] * Fixed typos. [-o-] * Added description 7793, 7800, 5322. [-o-] 2007/09/05 * Fixed typos. [-o-] * Added current kRO items. [-o-] * Added RIC items. [-o-] * Added pet dialogs. [-o-] 2007/09/02 * Fixed typos at skillname & description. [-o-] 2007/08/31 * Fixed little typos. [-o-] * Added quest description. [-o-] 2007/08/30 * Fixed items name 5287, 5292, 12999, 13569, 14528, 13624, 14530, 13625, 14531, 5153, 5173, 5175, 5177, 5137, 5139. [-o-] * Fixed some typos. [-o-] * Added description 5283-5294, 5211-5213. [-o-] * Added description 13814 by $ephiroth. [-o-] * Added items name 7795. [-o-] 2007/08/29 * Fixed all mercenary potion by $ephiroth. [-o-] * Fixed items name 13814, all books. [-o-] * Fixed msgstringtable. [-o-] * Fixed typos. [-o-] * Added 2007 RWC maps. [-o-] * Added book translation. [-o-] * Added description 7704, 7705, recent kRO and all books. [-o-] * Clear all contain. [-o-] * Corrected ragged zombie to current description. [-o-] * Updated msgstringtable. [-o-] 2007/08/28 * Added all book system. [-o-] * Added recent kRO items name. [-o-] 2007/08/27 * Fixed description 5805, 2708, 12705 and cash items (tRO magic scroll) by $ephiroth. [-o-] * Added new skill. [-o-] 2007/08/25 * Fixed more typos by Playtester, -o-. [-o-] 2007/08/24 * Fixed some typos. [-o-] * Added coma color tag. [-o-] * Added items name 7799, 12258, 7889, 7886, 7706, 7707, 7708, 7709, 13624, 14530 13621, 13622, 13623, 14529, 7722, 7723, 7724, 7725, 7755, 5225. [-o-] * Fixed description 1424, 1628, 2535, 14534, 14535, 5286, 5294, 13722, 13723, 13724, 13725 by $ephiroth. [-o-] * Updated Rental items description by $ephiroth, -o-. [-o-] 2007/08/23 * Fixed description 13304, 1415 by Playtester. [-o-] * Fixed description 2710, 1274, 1273 by $ephiroth. [-o-] * Fixed description 5129, 5132, 5133, 2645. [-o-] * Fixed description 1168, 5289, 2369, 13409, 1274, 5255, 2428, 2533, 5306. [-o-] * Fixed items name 5097, 12258. [-o-] * Fixed items name 2712 by vicious_pucca. [-o-] * Fixed items name 5806, 5095. [-o-] * Fixed more typos. [-o-] * Fixed typos by Playtester. [-o-] * Added items name 12261. [-o-] * Added tag "Impossible to refine this item." for rental items. [-o-] * Removed items 13732, 13733. [-o-] * Updated Ragged Zombie card description. [-o-] 2007/08/22 * Fixed description 2535. [-o-] * Added rental color tag. [-o-] * Added recent kRO items. [-o-] 2007/08/21 * Fixed some typos. [-o-] * Fixed some weight. [-o-] * Added Ghost properties color tag. [-o-] * Added jRO event maps. [-o-] * Added RWC2007, RJC2007 & Speed Star maps. [-o-] 2007/08/20 * Fixed equipment set description. [-o-] * Fixed items name 2417. [-o-] * Added Valkyrja's set and Fixed Ninja set. [-o-] 2007/08/19 * Fixed more typos. [-o-] * Fixed description 1269. [-o-] * Added missing color tag. [-o-] * Added missing description jRO cash items. [-o-] * Changed "Message" to "Log" by Skotlex. [-o-] 2007/08/18 * Fixed all title name. [-o-] * Fixed description 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821 by Playtester. [-o-] * Fixed description 9029, 9030. [-o-] * Fixed description 5132 because it can refine. [-o-] * Fixed more description. [-o-] * Added additional items to craft into arrows. [-o-] * Added items name 12260. [-o-] * Added description 2700, 13518, 13519, 13520, and more (Taiwan Event Items). [-o-] * Added mercenary skill description from doddler's wiki. [-o-] * Added more missing color tag. [-o-] * Added more missing weight from doddler's database. [-o-] * Added property tag for 11.3 new weapon. [-o-] * Added set equipment for 11.3 new equipment. [-o-] * Changed "GungHo" to "Gung-Ho". [-o-] 2007/08/17 * Fixed all mercenary skill to classify of kind. [-o-] * Fixed some typos. [-o-] * Added color tag for Rental Items. [-o-] * Added mosk_que map. [-o-] 2007/08/16 * Fixed items name 7553, 7703 by $ephiroth. [-o-] * Fixed more typos. [-o-] * Added description 1171, 5800, 4412, 13500, 12199 by $ephiroth. [-o-] * Added little description 5321, 2700 by $ephiroth, -o-. [-o-] * Added more missing weight. [-o-] * Changed "NO MESSAGE (X)" to "no msg". [-o-] 2007/08/15 * Fixed Description Formatting "Two-handed" to "Two-Handed". [-o-] * Fixed description 12247, 5318, 5320, 13725, 13710 and Freya set and more. [-o-] * Fixed num2itemdisplaynametable "5th_Anniversary_Coin" to "Accessory". [-o-] * Fixed typos description. [-o-] * Added description from Sakray test session. [-o-] * Added items name from Sakray test session. [-o-] * Updated msgstringtable by glucose. [-o-] 2007/08/14 * Fixed skill description by Playtester. [-o-] * Fixed typos description. [-o-] * Added Chinese event maps. [-o-] * Added items name 7781, 7782, 7783, 13732, 13733, 5320, 5321. [-o-] * Changed cardpostfixnametable to revision 405. [-o-] * Updated msgstringtable to dummies :P. [-o-] 2007/08/13 * Fixed items name 11001, 11002, 11003, 11006, 11007. [-o-] * Fixed items name 5525, 7726. [-o-] * Added items name 7858, 7859. [-o-] * Removed duplicate description 7765, 2707. [-o-] 2007/08/12 * Fixed some description new hat. [-o-] * Fixed some description 7621, 12212, 12209, 12210, 12901, 12922, 1535, 2000, 5220 12214, 7619, 7620, 1565 by $ephiroth. [-o-] 2007/08/11 * Fixed some typos 5296, 5297, 5298, 5299, 2706, 5304, 5303, 5302, 5301, 5300, 5803. [-o-] * Fixed equip description 5805, 2708, 2700, 2369, 2428, 2533, 5306, 5305, 5804. [-o-] * Fixed equip description 13722, 13723, 13724, 13725. [-o-] * Fixed more typos. (such as weight, job, etc.) [-o-] * Added missing description cash items, 1293, 5304. [-o-] * Added missing description 13553, 14527, 13721, 13734, 13735, 13736, 13737. [-o-] * Changed cardprefixnametable "Crane" to "Shaft". [-o-] * Removed duplicate description 13572, 13573, 13574, 13575. [-o-] 2007/08/10 * Fixed cards name 4412, 4415 and more by $ephiroth and -o-. [-o-] * Fixed more typos. [-o-] * Added missing description new card and more by $ephiroth. [-o-] * Added missing description cash items. [-o-] * Deleted Ricecake dialog. [-o-] * Removed duplicate description. [-o-] 2007/08/09 * Removed duplicate IDs 7792, 7793. [-o-] 2007/08/08 * Fixed items name 7877, 7883, 5319 by $ephiroth and TrueNoir. [-o-] * Fixed msgstringtable "Han Coin" to "GungHo Coin" jRO. [-o-] * Added new cards name. [-o-] * Added items name 7792, 7793, 13734, 13735, 13736, 13737, 11701. [-o-] * Added desc all new cash items and more by $ephiroth and TrueNoir. [-o-] * Update msgstringtable. [-o-] * Update cardprefixnametable to new card. [-o-] 2007/08/07 *Corrected msgstringable with ALL new messages. [Au{R}oN] 2007/08/04 * Fixed items name 5320, 5321. [-o-] * Added missing desc 5320, 5321. [-o-] 2007/08/01 * Fixed items name 5243, 5319. [-o-] * Fixed skill name. [-o-] * Fixed desc 5805 by $ephiroth. [-o-] * Added items name 13738, 13739, 13740, 13741, 13742, 13743, 13744, 13745, 13746, 13747, 13748, 13749, 13750, 13751, 13752, 13753, 13754, 13755, 13756, 13757, 14538, 14539, 14541, 14542, 14543, 14544, 7794, 7796, 7797, 7798, 7799. [-o-] * Added missing desc 5310, 5311, 5312, 5313, 5314, 5315, 5319. [-o-] 2007/07/31 * Added items name 7876, 7877, 7878, 7879, 7880, 7881, 7882, 2429, 2430. [-o-] * Added missing desc 14534, 14535, 14536, 14537, 7776. [-o-] * Added missing desc 5302 by $ephiroth. [-o-] * Fixed skill name to be perfectly. [-o-] 2007/07/30 * Fixed num2itemdisplaynametable to be perfect by $ephiroth. [-o-] * Fixed some items name. [-o-] * Fixed little bug. [-o-] * Added missing description 5214, 7850, 5801, 12971, 12972, 12973, 12974, 12975, 12976, 12977, 12978, 12979, 12980, 12981, 12982 and more by $ephiroth. [-o-] * Added skills name by $ephiroth and -o-. [-o-] 2007/07/29 * Fixed item name 7515, 5310, 5311, 5312, 5313,13701,13702 ,13703, 13704, 13705, 13706, 13707, 7769, 7875, 5804, 13626, 13627, 13628, 13629, 13630, 13631, 13632, 13633, 5302 and more. [-o-] * Added item names 5321, 13711, 13712, 13713, 13714, 13715, 13716, 13717, 13717, 13718, 13719, 13720, 13721, 13722, 13723, 13724, 13725, 14534, 14535, 14536, 14537 5303, 5301 and more. [-o-] * Added more title description. [-o-] * Added some map name. [-o-] * Added new skill name. [-o-] * Update cardpostfixnametable. [-o-] 2007/07/28 * Fixed manner to be perfectly. [-o-] * Fixed msgstringtable to be perfectly. [-o-] * Fixed all 11.3 New Equipment Items name. [-o-] * Added desc and items name 7884, 7885, 5805, 2708, 12704, 12705. [-o-] * Added new pettalktable from official mRO and sRO by $ephiroth. [-o-] 2007/07/24 * Added some missing. [Au{R}oN] 2007/07/22 * Added recent kRO items. [$ephiroth] * Added some missing desc & item names. [$ephiroth] * Added desc & item names (12257,5316,5317,5803,7864). [$ephiroth] * Fixed desc 2677. [$ephiroth] * Adjusted some pet egg names to official and added desc. [$ephiroth] * Added desc Japanese Headgear 12 (incompleted). [$ephiroth] * Added item names by -o- (5310,5311,5312,5313,5314,5315,5318,5319,5320). [$ephiroth] * Added desc 5803 & 7864. [$ephiroth] 2007/07/21 * Updated msgstringable.txt with the new Chat System Messages. [Au{R}oN] 2007/07/11 * Updated some mRO event items, thanks to shinnobie [Lupus] 2007/07/06 * Updated messed Kiel_Hyre_Quest.txt item names, accordinly [Lupus] 2007/07/04 * Added some item desc fixes, added new ones by $ephiroth [Lupus] 2007/07/03 * Added new RCW 2007 maps and fix some maps name based on latest kRO RWC patch. [Au{R}oN] * Added some missing desc. [$ephiroth] * Added some missing item names. [$ephiroth] * Updated msgstringtable thank's to Tharis. [$ephiroth] * Added recent kRO items. [$ephiroth] * Fixed a few typos in description. [$ephiroth] 2007/06/26 * Item names Dyestuff -> Dyestuffs [Lupus] 2007/06/18 * Added some missing descs. [Au{R}oN] 2007/06/09 * Added some missing names&descs, thanks to $ephiroth and -o-. [Lupus] 2007/06/07 * Added Dr.Evil's translation of some items / places from new Episode Moscovia [Lupus] - Added Nameless, Poring Islands, Abbey maps 2007/05/29 * Updated 2424, 5296, 5297, 5298, 5299, 2706, 5304, 5305, 5804, 2368, 2427, 2704, 2705 and 5295 thanks to $ephiroth [mrmagoo] * Updated 2116, 2420, 2519 and 2521 again thanks to Playtester [mrmagoo] 2007/05/28 * Updated 2355, 2364, 2365, 2366, 2367, 2115, 2116, 2122, 2123, 2124 2125, 2418, 2420, 2422, 2423, 2424, 2425, 2426, 2516, 2517, 2519, 2521, 2527, 2529 and 2530 [mrmagoo] * Fixed descs for 1176, 1422 and 2227 thanks to Playtester [mrmagoo] * Added names and descs for 5300 and 7867 - 7820 thenks to WonderSwan [mrmagoo] * Added descs for 7727 and 7728 thanks to $ephiroth [mrmagoo] * Fixed skill descs for HT_LANDMINE thanks to theultramage [mrmagoo] * Added lots of placeholder items from recent kRO patches [mrmagoo] 2007/04/22 * Fixed some 'Undead' to 'Ghost' thanks to theultramage. [Au{R}oN] * Fixed Frost Diver and Napalm Vulcan description based on some Aegis Test thanks to theultramage. [Au{R}oN] 2007/04/19 * Added missing mdef bonus on Detale's card thanks to Playtester. [Argatlahm] * Added new entries to the msgstringtable thanks to -o-. [Argatlahm] 2007/04/18 * Added more item names and fixes thanks to -o-. [Argatlahm] * Fixed "Refined" item weight thanks to WonderSwan. [Argatlahm] * More Typo Fixes. [Argatlahm] * Added 2 more item names and added new entries to the msgstringtable thanks to $ephiroth. [Argatlahm] 2007/04/17 * Fixed more formatting mistakes. [Argatlahm] * Added more Colour Tags to the Description Formatting file. [Argatlahm] * Fixed typo thanks to asterX. [Argatlahm] * Added "Impossible to refine" description on refined equipments. [Argatlahm] * Added Colour coded property description on some new equipments. [Argatlahm] * Added Malaysia Lucas Event Items. [Argatlahm] * Added more dummy data for new items. [Argatlahm] 2007/04/16 * More name fixes of some items. [Argatlahm] * Added Thailand Cash Items and Additional Mercenary Potions thanks to -o-. [Argatlahm] * Added 11.3 New Equipment Items thanks to $ephiroth. [Argatlahm] * Added dummy data for missing items. [Argatlahm] 2007/04/15 * Little fix with the :^777777 problems. [Au{R}oN] * Corrected item 5083 name from Red Ribbon to Red Tailed Ribbon. [Argatlahm] * Corrected names of items 7521 & 13251 thanks to Playtester. [Argatlahm] * Added Additional Refined Cash items and Potions thanks to -o- and $ephiroth. [Argatlahm] 2007/04/08 * Corrected the new card's descriptions with wrong 'Compound on' field. [Argatlahm] 2007/04/01 * Fixed some typos according to Playtester and HiddenDragon. [Argatlahm] 2007/03/30 * Added new card translations according to Ragnainfo.net. [Argatlahm] 2007/03/25 * Item IDs: 5238-5242 renamed to _Mage_Hat instead of _Wizard_Hat for uniformity. [Argatlahm] * Replaced '2007 American Event Items' section to '2007 St. Patrick's Day Event' and added appropriate item names from iRO. [Argatlahm] * Moved item 584 from 'Oversea Event Items' section to 'Hugel Odeng Quest' section and applied translation from iRO. [Argatlahm] 2007/03/24 * Removed bonus description of Item ID: 5269 [Argatlahm] - (no official translated desc bonus yet) * Added pRO Summer Event items. [Argatlahm] * Fixed typos for item ids: 5076,5235,5236,5237, 13168, 13169 [Argatlahm] * Added "Evolved" name to item ids: 5215-5224 [Argatlahm] - based on pRO's name * Included transfer lock description to the following items: [Argatlahm] - 5215-5225, 5226-5242, 12925 & 12926, 12932-12934: (All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked) - 2923 & 12924, 12929-1231: (All transfer methods except Trade, Cart, and Kafra Storage are locked) * Used the name "Rag_Star_Badge" instead of "Rok_Star_Badge" for item 7729 [Argatlahm] - pRO has the tendency to use the term Rok to refer Ragnarok instead of Rag in kRO * Changed color names of item ids: 5227-5242 [Argatlahm] - Brown --> Gray - Gray --> White 2007/03/23 * Very Very Very Very.... little fix. [Au{R}oN] 2007/03/21 * Added Missing Desc for Items ID: 12193, 590, 7611, 7612. [Au{R}oN] 2007/03/20 * Updated desc for 1140 based on info from Playtester [mrmagoo] * Added Old Payon, xmas Lutie and Dragonboat Festival Alberta to mapnametable.txt [mrmagoo] * Updated desc for 4305 based on info from Playtester [mrmagoo] 2007/03/16 * Replace 'NO MESSAGE (n)' with the correct phrases. [Au{R}oN] * Very Little fix in pettalkable.xml [Au{R}oN] 2007/03/15 * Test? [iKKe] 2007/03/11 * Update at least :F [NLZ] - Some typos, fixes and new items thanks to Argatlahm, Playtester, Peter and theultramage. * ToDo: NJ/GS skills (>.<) and the Merc skills 2007/02/08 * Added new items, fixed some others and updated the msgstringtable thanks to $ephiroth [NLZ] 2007/02/03 * Fixed 4110 (Ghoul Card) tanks to Pavelloz and Playtester [NLZ] * Added/fixed/corrected items thanks to $ephiroth, Au{R}oN and Argatlahm [NLZ] * Added new items [NLZ] * Fixed BD_ROKISWEIL's Max lvl thanks to[Leon] [NLZ] * Switched GS and NJ skills in the skilldescs (still need to fix te iRO names x_X) [NLZ] 2007/01/20 * Fixed msgstringtable and 5243 thanks to Skotlex [NLZ] 2007/01/19 * Added recent kRO items [NLZ] * Fixes thanks to $ephiroth [NLZ] 2007/01/12 * Updated the formatting doc a bit (still needs changes :P) [NLZ] * Added new items into the kr trans dump [NLZ] * Some item changes [NLZ] - Fixed LoD Card - Updated Louises Santa Hat :P - Changed Luna Bow desc format - Updated Armeyer Dinze Card according to the recent kRO Patch - Added new items thanks to $ephiroth - Other small fixes :) * Removed FA from LK_PARRYING's desc [NLZ] * Updated some Ninja skill :F (still need a tons of work :x) [NLZ] 2007/01/11 * Added initial description formatting standards doc to dev folder [mrmagoo] 2007/01/04 * Added 0103 items (Nokia 5500 was allready translated :P) [NLZ] * Changed Fuuma to Huuma [NLZ] * Fited 5053's bonus str [NLZ] 2007/01/04 * A lot changes, most based on iRO Sakray Ep X.4 changes [NLZ] - Fixed Evil Snake Lord Card (gives Blind resist, not Confusion) - Added missing ^ffffff_^000000 to "some" etc items (items 7001+, inspiration from Playtester :P) - Updated Ep X.4 items and some other - Added Kiel related quest items - Updated Gunslinger and Ninja weapons - Changed all defence to defense - Changed Kiel Khayr to Kiel Hyre - Updated map names - Updated msgstringtable * BTW! Happy New Year ^^ ======== Year 2007 ======== 2006/12/29 * Added year to the dates in Dev/Changelog.txt [NLZ] * Changed some item names according to eA database [NLZ] * Added Elephant Hat (5146) desc and some other fixes thanks to $ephiroth [NLZ] * Added some missing ^ffffff_^000000 to the end of etc files [NLZ] * Fixed some other 'if equiped by xy class' [NLZ] * Merged bonuses where the hp and sp reside in and the changes are equal [NLZ] * Removed dots from lines which are not sentence (lines containing stats, substats only) [NLZ] * Added Book Readind System's book texts [NLZ] * Updated Korean Translation Dump [NLZ] * Added new items from kRO patch 1227 [NLZ] * Changed Beins to Veins and added ve_in02 [NLZ] * Fixed gobline_xmas in pettalktable.txt to the standard form [NLZ] * Fixes to the autocast chances [NLZ] * Updated msgstringtable.txt from pRO patch 1222 (tell me ASAP if something went wrong!) [NLZ] 2006/12/23 * Fixed 13106 thanks to AkabaneKurodo [NLZ] * Added Sakray1205 headgears in english (they are recolored/duped) [NLZ] * Minor fixes [NLZ] 2006/12/22 * Wiped out korean texts from the itemtables [NLZ] * Syncronized the comments between the itemtables [NLZ] * Added temp plugs for all the new content of recent KRO Sakray patchs (1212 and 1219) [NLZ] * Fixed itemdesc for 4405 (Frus Card) [NLZ] * Fixed recent pets names (Rice Cake and Christmas Goblin) [NLZ] * Updated mapnames and itemtables thanks to RO Future Wiki [NLZ] * Fixed autocast chances thanks to Playtester (even more accurate than eA DB :P) [NLZ] * Small fixes [NLZ] 2006/12/19 * Updated desc for 4405 to tidy it [mrmagoo] * Corrected some engrish/typos in a few places [mrmagoo] * Updated card prefix for 4405 thanks to NLZ [mrmagoo] * Updated name of 5205 thanks to Argatlahm (i think the official pRO name is better too) [mrmagoo] * Updated desc for 4161 thanks to Barron-Monster [mrmagoo] * Updated desc for 2227, 5012,5044, 5051, 5056, 5100, 5129, 5132, 5182, 5183, 5187, 5190, 5202, 5203, 5143, 5152, 5181,1160-1162, 1168 and 1171 thanks t Playtester [mrmagoo] 2006/12/10 * Updated desc for 4405 thanks to NLZ (and vicious) [mrmagoo] * Updated card descs for 4334, 4335, 4345, 4350, 4362, 4366, 4373, 4380 and 4388 thanks to Playtester [mrmagoo] * Several fixes not in num2itemdisplaynametable.txt & other misc fixes [mrmagoo] * Added temp names for 12195-12198 and 9028 [mrmagoo] * Added items 5210-5224, 5227-5242, 7701-7703 (partial translations only) from kRO descs [mrmagoo] * Added 4405 to cardpostfixnametable.txt thanks to NLZ [mrmagoo] * Updated desc of 542, 543, 12201 and 5095 as well as names for 543, 5205 and 2676 thanks to $ephiroth [mrmagoo] * Updated desc of 2633 thanks to Playtester [mrmagoo] 2006/12/05 * Added 2632 and 2633 thanks to Playtester [mrmagoo] * Updated descs for 2616, 2621-2626, 2636, 2637, 2645, 2659-2662, 2668 thanks to Playtester [mrmagoo] * Updated desc of 5095 thanks to Playtester [mrmagoo] * Changed 2274 back to 10% resistance thanks to Playtester [mrmagoo] * Updated skill descs for AS_CLOAKING, AS_POISONREACT, BS_WEAPONREPAIR, PR_LEXDIVINIA and CG_MARIONETTE thanks to theultramage [mrmagoo] * Updated name and desc for 5205 thanks to Argatlahm [mrmagoo] 2006/12/03 * Updated descs for 2111, 2116, 2343, 2360, 2358 2420 and 2422 thanks to Playtester [mrmagoo] * Added temp data/names for 5095, 542 and 543 thenks to Playtester [mrmagoo] * Updated cast time of NJ_SUITON according to eA DB thanks to yyCC [mrmagoo] * Updated pettalktable.xml with gobline_xmas thanks to Au{R}oN [mrmagoo] * Updated/added temp names for 12190, 12191, 7603, 5201, 7604, 7605, 7606, 7613, 21299, 12194, 7607, 7608, 2526, 7610, 12193, 590, 5207, 5206, 7615, 7616, 7617, 5208 and 12201 thanks to $ephiroth [mrmagoo] * Updated desc of 5053 thanks to Playtester [mrmagoo] * Move the 'not officially in mapnametable' maps to the correct location thanks to NLZ [mrmagoo] * Updated descs for 2510 and 2628 thanks to NLZ [mrmagoo] 2006/11/30 * Updated desc for 2274 again based on info from kRO descs [mrmagoo] * Updated desc for 2274 thanks to NLZ [mrmagoo] * Updated name and desc for 12200,5204,1225,7614,7618,2676 and 9029 thenks to $ephiroth [mrmagoo] * Add maps not officially in mapnametable.txt, names probably need tweaking though [mrmagoo] 2006/11/26 * Fixed 06guild_* map names thanks to NLZ [mrmagoo] * Updated skillnamedesc.txt with proposed Ninja skill names [mrmagoo] * Lots of changes to Ninja skills thanks to Playtester for the info [mrmagoo] +- Note: Only the kRO skills have been updated for now, and corrections are probably needed. * Updated job requirements for 2336, 2337, 2359 thenks to Playtester [mrmagoo] * Fixed 12193 having wrong display name [mrmagoo] * Updated 7609, 12192 and 5202 thanks to $ephiroth [mrmagoo] * Updated Tracking information and descriptions thanks to Playtester [mrmagoo] * Updated desc for 5207, 5205 and 2676 thanks to NLZ [mrmagoo] * Updated mapnametable.txt and metalprocessitemlist.txt [mrmagoo] +- http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?s=&showtopic=65431&view=findpost&p=693281 2006/11/21 * Added missing desc info to 1470, updated descs for 5126,4077 and 1365 thanks to NLZ [mrmagoo] 2006/11/20 * Tidied up some formatting and merged a few items from num2itemdesc to idnum2 [mrmagoo] * Added placeholders and started work on items 12225,9029, 7614, 7618, 2676, 7615, 7616, 7617, 5208, 12201 and 5209. Still needs more work [mrmagoo] * Fixed extra #'s on items 2361-2163 in num2itemdisplaynametable.txt [mrmagoo] * Updated Health Conversion (Formula), Mind Breaker (MDEF reduction) and Cicada Skin Shedding (Skill evasion mention) skill descriptions. [ZeroXell] 2006/11/19 * Updated names for items 7459 and 583 as per $ephiroth's suggestion [mrmagoo] +- http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?s=&showtopic=65431&view=findpost&p=672421 * Updated NJ_HUUMA description slightly as per sciagator's suggestion [mrmagoo] +- http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?s=&showtopic=120429&view=findpost&p=668728 This will probably need exploring further. * Changed agents -> against in MO_TRIPLEATTACK * Un-commented GD_CHARISMA (no idea why it was commented out) [mrmagoo] * Updated PF_SPIDERWEB description as suggested in the same post [mrmagoo] * Change Silence effect to Silence status as suggested in the same post [mrmagoo] * Updated BS_ORIDEOCON skill desc according to theultramage's translation and Skotlex's info [mrmagoo] +- http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?s=&showtopic=65431&view=findpost&p=667434 2006/11/04 * Fixed the following skill descriptions: Chain Combo (Spirit sphere requirement), Gospel (Potion usage restriction), Magic Rod (Delay). [ZeroXell] 2006/10/25 * Updated desc of 583,Ketupat Sayur, 7459,Lebaran Card or Idul Fitri Card, 552,Ketupat. Thanks to $ephiroth [Luups] 2006/10/09 * Updated and added all the missing content of recent KRO Sakray patchs. Also updated the KTD accordingly. [Haplo] * Added a new file "Korean -Event Ricecake- Pet Dialogs.txt" in Dev folder in case someone has the time to translate the new pet dialogs that appeared in the korean pettalktable to add them to ours. [Haplo] 2006/09/28 * Corrected Land Protector description (removed incorrect Hammerfall mention). [ZeroXell] 2006/09/20 * Added temp plugs for all the new items of the KRO Sakray patch. [Haplo] 2006/09/17 * Updated some item names (ID 7001, 7017, 7022, 7026) according to the last IRO Sakray patch. [Haplo] * Fixed many inconsistencies/typos everywhere in items and skills files. [Haplo] 2006/09/14 * Fixed a missing entry on the previous commit. [ZeroXell] * Updated Moonlight Falling Petal description according to the lastest info. [ZeroXell] 2006/09/13 * Fixed Strip/Divest Success Chance formulas in their respective descriptions. Thanks to qazqazqaz for reporting it. [Haplo] * Corrected Unholy Touch (ID 1263) ATK power to 151, according to official KRO description. [Haplo] 2006/09/06 * Updated msgstringtable.txt to correct Homunculus displays. [midas] 2006/09/04 * Updated the Arrow Crafting skill according to X.4 official database. Thanks to Muad_Dib for the help. [Haplo] * Updated some descriptions according to this week patch. Description of new items, partially translated, has been added to the KTD. I did not add any temp plug yet because the patch didn't contain the names of the new items ¬_¬. [Haplo] 2006/09/03 * Standardized the color format of the 4 basic elements in the item descriptions (Fire, Water, Wind & Earth). [Haplo] * Changed the Ninja skill names in the KRO-fileset to use the romanized japanese names. This is because is more appropriate for a Japan-oriented job and because KRO gave kanjis as alternate names to their korean names, instead of an english-like name. Thanks to theultramage, as these names comes from the kanji romanized adaption made by him. [Haplo] * Corrected a card name (ID 4376) to "Lady Tanee Card". [Haplo] * Minor update to item unidentified names according to this week KRO Sakray patch. [Haplo] 2006/09/02 * Quick-fix for "Mr. Kim a Rich Man" skill description. [ZeroXell] 2006/08/28 * Updated some item descriptions and the metalprocessitemlist.txt file according to the recent IRO Sakray patch. [Haplo] * Fixed Rainbow Cake item (ID 12124) description, thanks to hellokitty2 for reporting. [Haplo] * Fixed Gunslinger Magical Bullet property according to info provided by Vicious_Pucca. [Haplo] * Updated SP costs of Gunslinger Triple Action and Madness Canceller skills. [Haplo] 2006/08/23 * Updated item desc's. Thanks to Vicious_Pucca. [Poki#3] * Finally updated Gospel description with the info gathered for a very long time in a topic at RagnaInfo. [Haplo] * Updated several Ninja skill descriptions according to Tharis videos from official servers, thanks to mpeg for reporting them. [Haplo] * Updated SG_SUN_COMFORT skill description, thanks to Vicious_Pucca for his translation. [Haplo] * Added a missing bonus to item 5143 (Kabuki Mask). Thanks to qazqazqaz for reporting it. [Haplo] 2006/08/22 * Updated Ninja Illusionary Shadow skill description, each cast consumes 1 Fang. [Haplo] * Updated several items according to this week KRO Sakray patch and added temp plugs for the new items. [Haplo] 2006/08/14 * Imported iRO's Episode 10.3 patch content. [Poki#3] * Clarified a lot of skills and did changes to the lines. If any skill desc crashes you, please report it. [Poki#3] 2006/08/10 * Changed a couple of "Freyr" to "Freya" that I missed before, thanks to Playtester for telling me. [Haplo] * Fixed LK_JOINTBEAT Maximum Level to 10 in its description, thanks to yyCC for reporting it. [Haplo] * Updated Hammer Fall and Scream skill descriptions with Stun duration of 5 seconds, after some player reports. [Haplo] * Added the NJ_HYOUSYOURAKU Cast Time and Cool Down, according to jAthena info. [Haplo] 2006/08/04 * Reverted them back, to bullets [Lupus] http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=81091&view=findpost&p=613839 * Fixed Shell of Blood desc. It's a shell, not a bullet. It goes to shotgun. [Lupus] 2006/08/01 * Many item names and descriptions translated, much thanks to Harp and Muad_Dib for providing them. [Haplo] * Fixed the Fire Pillar skill description, it has 1 second Cool Down according to the official websites. [Haplo] * Quick fix to item 2417 name due to a previous confusion. Is now "Freya's Shoes" (Freyr bless the shoes of his sister, Freya). [Haplo] * Changed item 5097 bonuses and its name to "4 Years Anniversary Hat", according to today KRO patch. Also updated other descriptions and added temp plugs for the new items. [Haplo] 2006/07/31 * Adjusted a little the Poison React description. [Haplo] * Updated Poison React with the lastest info. Thanks to Vicious_Pucca for helping out with the translation. [ZeroXell] 2006/07/30 * Changed item 4241 name to use its KRO mob name (Archangeling Card). [Haplo] * Slight change to item 5151 name, according to recent IRO Sakray patch. Also added the new official IRO description. [Haplo] * Updated some Gunslinger and Ninja skills, according to info provided by Vicious_Pucca. [Haplo] 2006/07/29 * Fixed Combat Knife (ID 1228) bonus to be "resistance against DemiHuman", according to the latest KRO description. Looks like IRO mistranslated it or is outdated. Thanks to Vicious_Pucca for translating it. [Haplo] * Fixed Moonlight homunculus skill description. [Haplo] 2006/07/28 * Corrected a typo on Claymore and Shockwave cool down on skilldesctable. [ZeroXell] 2006/07/27 * Updated costs for setting Claymore, Freezing, Shockwave and Flasher traps, according to the lastest info they cost 2 traps to set. Also updated Remove Trap description to reflect that you only get back a single trap. [ZeroXell] 2006/07/26 * Changed again Repair Weapon casting time to 7.5 seconds, I had wrong info. [ZeroXell] 2006/07/25 * Changed Repair Weapon skill casting time from instant to 5 seconds as it should be. [ZeroXell] 2006/07/24 * Changed ID of item 1173 to 1533 and updated its description according to today KRO patch (now is a 1-handed Sword). Also added temp plugs for the new items. [Haplo] * Changed back Range of Land Protector/Magnetic Earth back to 3 cells, as shown by videos of official servers (websites are wrong in this case). [Haplo] 2006/07/22 * Added more item descriptions, thanks to Harp for translating them. [Haplo] * Updated High Jump/Leap skill description and added the new item names and effects, according to the recent KRO patch. Thanks to Vicious_Pucca for translating them. [Haplo] 2006/07/20 * Fixed Frost Nova description (it have "Area" of effect, not "Range"), plus other minor fixes. [Haplo] 2006/07/19 * Fixed equip location of item 5175 (Anonymity Request) according to today KRO patch. Also added temp plugs for new items. [Haplo] 2006/07/18 * Fixed item 12040 to use the official IRO name (Stone of Sage). Also updated item 7224 (Stone of Sage) description with its KRO description (items 7224 and 12040 have exactly the same description in KRO). [Haplo] * By Playtester request, added a note on the item 7224 description (ETC type item) to indicate that is not used anymore in official servers, since it has been replaced with a usable version used on Homunculus (item 12040). This way both items can be clearly distinguished. [Haplo] * Added a note to the Heal Homunculus skill description to tell that it has been dropped by Gravity. Homunculus are currently healed by Potion Pitcher/Aid Potion skill. [Haplo] 2006/07/16 * Corrected a bit some item descriptions. [Haplo] * Fixed some errors in the Cloaking and Poison React skill descriptions. [Haplo] * Updated Gravitation Field skill description according to a recent IRO Sakray patch. [Haplo] 2006/07/15 * A lot of new item desc. Thank you Vicious :D [Poki#3] * Updated some Assasin skill descriptions, the following skills have been changed: Cloaking, Venom Splasher, Poison React. [ZeroXell] 2006/07/13 * Little updates to Cicada Skin Shedding and Soul skills, thanks to auronx for reporting. [Haplo] * Standardized all "Mute" effect to "Silence" effect, thanks to NLZ for reporting it. [Haplo] 2006/07/11 * Fixed a few typos in descriptions and changed a little the NJ_NINPOU skill description. [Haplo] 2006/07/10 * Updated Arrow Shower skill "Target" field (is Ground now). Also added several % missing in ASPD bonuses of skill descriptions. [Haplo] * Little fix to LK Berserker/Frenzy skill description, thanks to NLZ for reporting it. [Haplo] * Added a new map (que_san04) in the mapnametable, according to today KRO patch. [Haplo] 2006/07/09 * Important update to the Land Protector/Magnetic Earth skill description, according to KRO and IRO websites. Also changed all "Attack Speed" to "ASPD" in the skill files to reduce the descriptions, among other little fixes. [Haplo] * Fixed the Puppy Hat description (ID 5182). [Haplo] * Fixed Turn Undead success formula, thanks to theultramage for reporting it. [Haplo] * Little fix to the area of Moonlit Water Mill skill, thanks to NLZ for noticing it. [Haplo] 2006/07/06 * Fixes to description of Orc Lord Card (ID 4135), Poisonous Toad Card (ID 4175, NOTE: the description from IRO seems mistranslated or outdated), Owl Duke Card (ID 4237) and Chimera Card (ID 4300). Everything according to their current KRO description. [Haplo] * Added names and effects to the new items and some old ones too, thanks to Vicious_Pucca for his translations. [Haplo] * Updated some Ninja skills according with KRO Sakray info. Thanks to RockmanEXE for his report. [Haplo] 2006/07/03 * Updated Silver Tiara (ID 5149) to give INT instead of DEX, according to today KRO patch. Also added temp plugs for the new items. [Haplo] 2006/07/02 * Fixed Battlefield Textbook (ID 1562) according to KRO description. [Haplo] * A few fixes to some skills. [Haplo] 2006/06/29 * Some standardization of the skill description format and other minor changes. [Haplo] * Updated Baseball Cap (ID 5147), an IRO event item, according to the recent IRO patch. [Haplo] * Fixed Venom Splasher skill SP cost according to the KRO website info. Note that the leveluseskillspamount.txt is misleading in this case because it have 2 entries of AS_SPLASHER with different SP costs, the first is 10+2*SkillLV (as the website) and the second is 30+3*SkillLV. [Haplo] 2006/06/27 * Fixed some typos and corrected Morpheus's Hood (ID 5126) description after analyzing the korean description. [Haplo] * Added some item names and descriptions, thanks to Vicious_Pucca for the translations. Also made some order on the Equip Sets descriptions. [Haplo] * Changed all "Al De Baran" references to "Aldebaran". [Haplo] * Fixed the element properties of the Hunter traps. [Haplo] 2006/06/26 * Corrected the % rates of autocast of some cards to fit official database. Thanks to Muad_Dib for his assistance. [Haplo] * Updates from today KRO patch. Note that all the Magni's Cap (ID 5122) bonuses except the STR+2 has been removed. [Haplo] 2006/06/24 * Little standardization of some city names. [Haplo] * Small fixes to a few card descriptions. [Haplo] 2006/06/21 * Every new card has been double checked and a few errors has been corrected. [Haplo] * Added basic info for unimplemented items (dont appear in KRO descriptions), note that the "Not much is known about.." sentence is kept to remark this. Thanks to Muad_Dib for providing the info from official database. [Haplo] 2006/06/19 * Updated some items according to today KRO patch and updated the KTD. Please note that the "Frigg's Circlet" (ID 5124) set bonus has been eliminated from description. [Haplo] 2006/06/18 * Updated several item descriptions and bonuses. Thanks to Vicious_Pucca for translating them. [Haplo] * Changed Advanced Book skill description (is a +% ASPD bonus, not +plain bonus) to fit with the official descriptions. [Haplo] * Fixed Chase Walk skill description, it has a 10 second delay before the STR bonus is received. [Haplo] 2006/06/12 * Updated all "Number xx Ball" item names to "Lotto Ball xx", and "Ball Box xx" to "Lotto Box xx" (and their respective descriptions), according to the latest IRO Sakray patch (2006-6-12data_text.gpf). [Haplo] * Fixed Garm Claw (ID 1815) ATK to 152 (as shown in the latest KRO description), thanks to aresdfe. [Haplo] * Updated item descriptions according to this week KRO patch. ATTENTION, Yellow Novus Card (ID 4382) and Red Novus Card (ID 4383) had their whole effects swapped in this patch. [Haplo] * Several corrections to the unidentified names of the items, now they faithfully follow KRO denominations instead of IRO (as it was before). Used the older items to get the correct equivalences between KRO and IRO unidentified names. [Haplo] 2006/06/08 * By request, changed all "monster" words to "enemy" in bonuses, except in the case of bonuses that will never apply to other players (e.g. EXP and item gaining). [Haplo] * Added temp plugs for new items and updated some descriptions according to today's KRO patch. [Haplo] * Updated a name in an item description (7515) to "Schwarzwald" that I missed before, also fixed Gospel skill description (it is NOT restricted to a weapon) as confirmed at RagnaInfo. Thanks to NLZ for reporting. [Haplo] 2006/06/03 * Standardized some item descriptions. Added KRO bonuses missing in IRO (Unrefinable and Unbreakable). [Haplo] * Fixed the new slotted Tiara and Crown bonuses to INT + 1, thanks to Vicious_Pucca for noticing it. [Haplo] * Fixed some inconsistent names in the mapnametable, used "Schwarzwald" (that means "Black Forest" in german). [Haplo] 2006/06/01 * Changed "Dark" element to "Shadow" element, as is known in IRO. [Haplo] * Reverted the "Ghost" to "Undead" changes in the Elements case, since they are indeed different elements as was confirmed on IRO website. There is a Ghost Element, but NOT a Ghost Race. Thanks to NLZ for reporting this big mistake. [Haplo] * Fixed some minor typos. [Haplo] * Standardized all "Ghost" to "Undead", since they are the same (in race and property case). [Haplo] * Fixed Greatest General Card autocast rate to official X.2 value, thanks to 86com for reporting it. [Haplo] * Updated all the Arrow Crafting item list (and some old item names) to the official X.2, thanks to NLZ. [Haplo] * Fixed the item 5164 name to "Tiara". [Haplo] * Updated some old "Thorned Fruit" names to "Prickly Fruit", thanks to the__android for reporting it. [Haplo] 2006/05/30 * Names for the New maps. [Poki#3] * Prefixes for the new cards. [Poki#3] * Updated desc of the new cards, based on today's kRO patch. [Poki#3] * Updated desc of items nr. 7530~7537. [Poki#3] * Added some of the new items (that are new slotted version of old ones), and temp plugs for the rest. [Haplo] * Removed MDEF bonus from item 5151 (Note Headphones), according to today patch. [Haplo] * Changed "Seal Crown" item name to "Phoenix Crown". [Haplo] * Fixed Hammer Fall skill Stun duration to 3 seconds, according to official evidence. [Haplo] 2006/05/29 * Added today's big KRO patch to the KTD, also changed some "Compound on" fields according to the card update. Beware that around 50 card descriptions must still be updated. [Haplo] * Fixed Warmth and Comfort Star Gladiator skills, thanks to auronx. [Haplo] 2006/05/28 * Changed item 12106 name (now is Jeweled Box) and description to KRO official one, thanks to Vicious_Pucca. [Haplo] * Fixed Combat Knife and Infiltrator item bonuses to current KRO description, thanks to NLZ. [Haplo] * Fixed Resist Thunder Potion ingredients, thanks to kearth. [Haplo] * Added missing Freeze resistance bonus of item 5115, thanks to qazqazqaz. [Haplo] 2006/05/24 * Some minor tweaks to skill descriptions. [Haplo] * Updated NPC location to Hugel in Falcon Mastery description, thanks to Lupus for pointing it out. [Haplo] * Fixed item 5129 description, thanks to qazqazqaz for reporting and Vicious_Pucca for translating the correct description. [Haplo] * Rephrased some item descriptions (regarding the Stun effect). [Haplo] 2006/05/22 * Corrected some 1st jobs skill descriptions. These are Provoke (corrected attack and defense values), Magnum Break (bonus damage), Bash (extra hit and stun chance), Throw Stone (does not ignore reduction cards), Double Attack (bonus hit only for Double Attack), Signum Crucis (defense reduction), Decrease Agi (duration should be halved on players), Increase AGI (added a little extra info), Pneuma (it does block ranged skills) and Safety Wall (can block monster skills in close-range). [ZeroXell] * Changed Hugel city map name, according to current KRO mapnametable, thanks to NLZ. [Haplo] * Fixed some Star Gladiator skills, thanks to auronx. [Haplo] 2006/05/19 * Fixed a few typos and minor changes. [Haplo] 2006/05/18 * Changed all "tolerance" to "resistance", and some standardization. [Haplo] * Fixed a couple of errors from my last commit, thanks to NLZ for noticing it. Also fixed some typos in item and skill descriptions, thanks to theultramage. [Haplo] * Fixed Fire Pillar and added the missing Throw Tomahawk skill description, that appears when using the item 1368 (Tomahawk). Thanks to auronx. [Haplo] * Updated the item name and desc, based on Vicious's translations. [Poki#3] 2006/05/15 * Added temp plugs for the new items of this week patch, and updated KTD accordingly. [Haplo] * Little fixes to some TaeKwon and Soul Linker skills, thanks to auronx for reporting them. [Haplo] 2006/05/14 * BIG SKILL DESCRIPTION UPDATE. TaeKwon, Star Gladiator and Soul Linker skills are fixed thanks to auronx efforts, Gunslinger skills are fixed thanks to RockmanEXE work. Big thanks to both. [Haplo] * Fixed HP/SP consumption of WE_FEMALE and WE_MALE wedding skills, thanks to Drakee. [Haplo] 2006/05/11 * Changed 1463 (Halberd) forging requirements in metalprocessitemlist.txt, to be consistent with the forge skill description. [Haplo] * Commented a polish word in manner that can cause trouble for spanish common words like "participacion". [Haplo] * Fixed more spelling, thanks to theultramage for his revision. [Haplo] * Added extra info in the Iron Fist Card description, thanks to Vicious_Pucca. [Haplo] * Fixes to AC_CONCENTRATION, BA_FROSTJOKE and PR_REDEMPTIO skill descriptions, thanks to Zeno83. [Haplo] * Fixed Monk Blade Stop skill description, it does not work on bosses (checked in KRO and IRO in-game skill descriptions). [Haplo] * More Polish words in manner.txt. If any word happens to block any normal word in your language, please write about the problem on the forum so it can be fixed. [Poki#3] * Changed one line in the msgstringtable a bit. The one that comes up if you type the password incorrectly. [Poki#3] * More spelling corrections :P [Poki#3] * Made a few spelling corrections [midas] 2006/05/08 * Standardization... all the "Chaos" effect has been changed for "Confusion" effect, since they are the same and is the term used by eAthena, thanks to theultramage for the report. [Haplo] * Fixed Spear Mastery "Required For" field, since it was causing Crusaders to get confused with Pierce. Thanks to the__android for the report. [Haplo] * Fixed cards 4239 and 4309 descriptions, confirmed with KRO descriptions, thanks to Zeno83 for reporting it. [Haplo] 2006/05/04 * Fixed Assumptio "Target", item 2202 (Sunglasses) lacking its Blind bonus (IRO desc show it for both 2201 & 2202), and a typo in the msgstringtable.txt, thanks to Zeno83 for reporting them. Also fixed a little typo in the Lord of Death Card description. [Haplo] 2006/05/03 * After receiving confirmating info from Vicious_Pucca, changed items 4173 (Demon Pungus Card) and 4301 (Killer Mantis Card) to show 20% of autocast, thanks to qazqazqaz for reporting this error. [Haplo] 2006/05/02 * Changed Dancer Throw Arrow skill description to Casting Time 1.5 sec and no Cool Down, apparently the official descriptions are wrong. Thanks to Zeno83 for reporting and Tharis for confirming this anomaly. [Haplo] 2006/05/01 * In the "Required For" field of skill descriptions, removed (L1) for those skills that have only 1 level, since is redundant. Also rearrenged some skill fields, so they follow the Template order. [Haplo] * Changed all "Casting Time = 0" to "Casting Time = Instant". [Haplo] * Fixed Absorb Spirits description, thanks to Skotlex for pointing it out. [Haplo] * Fixed forging formulas, now eAthena formulas are used (that comes from JRO info). Thanks to kairen for reporting. [Haplo] * Fixed typos in item and skill descriptions, thanks to Zeno83. [Haplo] * Some updates to the Ninja skills, thanks to RockmanEXE and the KRO official webzine. [Haplo] * Changed cards 4156, 4160 and 4173 to use their KRO mob names, "Steam Goblin Card", "Antique Firelock Card" and "Demon Pungus Card" (term probably derived from Punk). Thanks to Playtester for pointing out. [Haplo] 2006/04/30 * Minor change in msgstringtable to be more applicable to Gunslingers. [Haplo] * Fixes of consistency and typos in the item descriptions. [Haplo] * Minor adjustment to Defender skill description. [Haplo] * Changed all "Kazema" to "Fuuma". Kaze is the reading of the 1st kanji (that means Wind) when it is used alone (kun-yomi), but when used in a compound word like this one (that means Wind Demon), the reading change to Fuu (on-yomi), as in taifuu, ofuro, etc. Since is a japanese word, japanese rules apply. Thanks to Remoldy Blach for pointing it out. [Haplo] 2006/04/26 * Changed "Cinocas Case File" to "Shinokas Case File" [Poki#3] * Changed "Arrow" to "Ammunition" in msgstringtable.txt so that it applies to Gunslingers as well as Archers. [Poki#3] * Removed "DEF+3" from Safety Ring. The def bonus is already listed in "Defense: 3" and was confusing players that the accessory should give +6 DEF overall. [Poki#3] * Probably some things that I forgot xD [Poki#3] 2006/04/25 * Another fix to TaeKwon Mission description, thanks to Vicious_Pucca. [Haplo] * Fixed Defender and TaeKwon Mission descriptions, thanks to theultramage and Playtester respectively for reporting problems with these skills. [Haplo] 2006/04/24 * Added a VIT +1 bonus to the item 2520 (Goibne's Spaulders), according to today's KRO patch. Also added temp plugs and updated KTD with the new items. [Haplo] 2006/04/22 * Vicious_Pucca confirmed that the "Grove Card" is "Green Iguana Card", so changed it to the proper name. [Haplo] * Removed "Old Portrait" from the list of items that can be used to craft arrows in the skill descriptions. [Haplo] * Changed a little the skill description format. All the "Cast Time: 0 sec" to "Cast Time: Instant", "and Cool Down: 0 sec" to "Cool Down: None". [Haplo] 2006/04/20 * Fixed item 2647 (Nile Rose) description, the HP bonus is +10 HP, plain, not +10% HP. [Haplo] * Changed some terms to use Maximum HP and Maximum SP as standard. [Haplo] 2006/04/19 * Standardized some terms, changed all "Accuracy" to "HIT". Deleted all % relating to HIT and Flee bonuses, since in-game they has always worked as plain bonuses, fixed some typos. [Haplo] * Changed the new hat to "Brazil Event Hat" (idea taken from Landarma), because "Event Hat" is a poor excuse of a name and even the description says that its using their national flag colors, in a "Brazil Event" section. [Haplo] * Changed the Roguemaster's Bow (ID 1719) to be used only by Thiefs again. [Haplo] * Completely deleted LV 8 description from "Basic Skills", since Gravity dropped the idea and was deleted from KRO and IRO descriptions. Reverted the Pick Stone skill Cast Time and Cool Down to 0.5 and 0 secs respectively. Also changed the Arrow Shower after-cast delay. [Haplo] * Committed the desc of the new Cards and Items. A lot of work, but it was worth it. Now just keep track of the patches for them :P [Poki#3] 2006/04/17 * Committed huge patch into the Korean Translation Dump for translating incoming new items (84 new descriptions). ^^; [Haplo] * Deleted some unneeded lines. [Haplo] 2006/04/14 * Fixed some msgstringtable lines that confuse overweight with Inventory capacity (100 different items) when trying to pick an item, thanks to kyoki for providing more clear sentences. And big thanks to erKURITA for helping me to test and found other ambiguous lines. [Haplo] * Fixed TF_PICKSTONE Cast Time and Cool Down, according to ladyshadow report from an AEGIS server. [Haplo] 2006/04/11 * More updates to Gunslinger skills, specially Fling and Rapid Shower descriptions, thanks to RockmanEXE. The DEF reduction value in Fling's effect description was tested and confirmed in KRO Sakray. [Haplo] 2006/04/10 * Minor changes in item descriptions according to last IRO patch. Added a temp plug for today new item 5148 and updated KTD. [Haplo] 2006/04/09 * Changed items 1113, 1114 and 1115 to "Scimitar", since that term is much more used and correct for this weapon than the previous. Fixed a typo in item 12117 item name, is "Lightning Elemental Converter", not "Lighting". Also some minor adjustment in other Two-Handed weapons. [Haplo] * Fixed inconsistencies between some item names used in the skill descriptions and the real name of those items, thanks to DeathMeat. [Haplo] * Fixed a typo in NJ_ZENYNAGE description and the item requirements for AM_CREATECREATURE, thanks to DeathMeat. [Haplo] * Changed RG_FLAGGRAFFITI catalyst according to current IRO description. Also added a note for that skill and RG_CLEANER to indicate that these skills are NOT implemented by Gravity yet. Please note that the catalyst mentioned for both skill DON'T exist yet. [Haplo] * Fixed TK_HPTIME and TK_SPTIME skills descriptions. Info in KRO website and RagnaInfo indicates that these skills CEASE to work when overweight. [Haplo] * Updated description for GS_DESPERADO, thanks to RockmanEXE again for his report from KRO Sakray. [Haplo] * Added some minimal extra info to AM_CULTIVATION from IRO files, and some extra cosmetic changes in skill descriptions. [Haplo] 2006/04/08 * Added more info and updates regarding Gunslinger and Ninja skills. Big thanks to RockmanEXE for his research on Gunslinger skills. [Haplo] * Fixed some items displaying +% Flee bonus when they really give a plain +Flee bonus. This was IRO's mistake, since KRO descriptions show them as plain +Flee bonus. Thanks to qazqazqaz for pointing out the problem. [Haplo] * The skills TF_MISS and BA_WHISTLE will appear now as giving plain +Flee Rate bonus, despite the websites showing a %. This is because in reality they really work this way, and to avoid further confusions. Thanks again to qazqazqaz for pointing it out. [Haplo] 2006/04/06 * Fixed damage formula of PA_PRESSURE, thanks to foobar for pointing it out. Also added a note to HW_SOULDRAIN description to indicate that it only works on targeted spells and NOT area spells, plus some minor adjustments in the abbreviations used. [Haplo] 2006/04/04 * Added some descriptions, thanks to Vicious_Pucca translations. [Haplo] * Fixed several Alchemist/Creator skill descriptions, thanks to DeathMeat and NLZ. Modified AM_TWILIGHT skill descriptions with info from IRO files. Also set NJ_KIRIKAGE after-cast delay to 0, according to today patch. [Haplo] * Added several item names and descriptions, thanks to Landarma and Muad_Dib, the rest will have temp plugs meanwhile. [Haplo] * Fixed the encrypted text in the KTD, now that I discovered how to do it. [Haplo] 2006/03/30 * Changed items 1245 & 1246 to "Cinquedea" and item 2520 to "Goibne's Spaulders". IRO use these names and they are the proper denomination for this italian sword and piece of armor. Changed descriptions to reflect this. [Haplo] * Changed item 12135 name, and item 7360 name and description to those used by current IRO translations. [Haplo] * Removed "RAW Translations" from Dev folder, since all of them have an official translation now. [Haplo] * Reverted item 4167 to "Neraid Card" to fit the monster's name. Truly nereids have nothing to do with Gravity's monster. Why they have to be so inconsistent. >.< [Haplo] * Corrected KRO skill name typos, we dont need to follow their bad orthography. Updated skill descriptions with the new names. [Haplo] * Changed back item 4167 to "Nereid Card". Is the name used by IRO in their latest patch (March 27th, 2006-3-27data_1.gpf). [Haplo] * Reverted Vesper Core's unidentified names back to "Accessory". Because IRO did that in their latest update (March 27th, 2006-3-27data_2.gpf), and KRO files uses "Accessory" too. [Haplo] * Minor fixes to card names, map names... nothing much. [Poki#3] 2006/03/29 * Changed ALL "Star Knight" references to "TaeKwon Master" in IRO skill descriptions, since this is the new name IRO implemented in their latest skilldesctable (March 13th), all over the file. But they havent updated skillnametable for SL_STAR yet. Don't blame me, blame IRO. >.> [Haplo] * Standardized some terms. [Haplo] * Fixed some skill descriptions, thanks to NLZ and ZeroXell for their reports. [Haplo] * Added a note to indicate Event Bonuses that no longer work once the event is finished, thanks to Lupus for pointing it out. [Haplo] * Fixed some skill SP costs according to latest KRO leveluseskillspamount.txt. [Haplo] * Changed some item descriptions according to today KRO patch and Lupus's note. [Haplo] * Changed a line in msgstringtable.txt according to latest IRO file. [Haplo] 2006/03/26 * Added 1 Red Gemstone as a catalyst for Venom Splasher, thanks to Setzer. KRO description mention it. [Haplo] * Fixed Mammonite "Required For" field, thanks to Raid for reporting it. [Haplo] * Fixed some "Applicable Job" fields in item descriptions, according to current KRO idnum2itemdesctable. Big thanks to KarLaeda for checking inconsistencies between eAthena database and our descriptions, which resulted in a checking of the KRO descriptions. [Haplo] 2006/03/23 * Fixed several consistency errors among the files in items and skill descriptions, and some typos. Changed item 2282 name when Unidentified from "Heaven Ring" to "Hairband", according to current KRO num2itemdisplaynametable. Corrected default and -hybrid skill descriptions for MC_IDENTIFY using IRO name even when they are using KRO name in the skillnametable ^^;. Also added the now known CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION damage formula to the description. [Haplo] * Little fix on ST_PRESERVE description, thanks to BoomDivX for noticing. Added some missed changes on the GS and NJ skills. [Haplo] 2006/03/22 * added this weeks balances for GS [midas] 2006/03/20 * Added an explanation for the empty "Applicable Job" fields of items 5044 and 5051. Corrected SA_CREATECON skill description's recipies to match the latest KRO skilldesctable (March 14th), changed ammount and names to match those used in the item files (verified the items identity by comparing the korean names in description with the KRO idnum2itemdisplaynametable, to get their ID). [Haplo] 2006/03/19 * Updated GS/NJ items with the changes done in the last KRO patch. [Haplo] 2006/03/17 * Changed ATK for MATK in Estin and Estun skills, thanks to auronx, along with other minor changes in skill descriptions. [Haplo] 2006/03/15 * Fixed item 1718 weight according to current KRO description, thanks to KarLaeda. [Haplo] * Fixed minor typos. [Haplo] * Added 13/03 skill balances except "When using Lightning Spear of Ice on top of Hidden Water, at maximum skill level, will add 20% bonus damage to Lightning Spear of Ice. Also, Water Ball and Aqua Benedicta's "effective range" will also be decreased." 'cause i cant make sense of it, added to Todo [midas] * Fixed item 1719 Applicable Job, active guild skills Cast Time, GD_EMERGENCYCALL description and many "Required For" fields in skill files. Also changed 2 wrong "Applicable Job" for "Applicable Pet". All this thanks to KarLaeda and his hard work. [Haplo] * Changed the NJ "Raging Dragon of Fire" skill name in default and "-iRO" to the better and shorter "Raging Fire Dragon". [Haplo] * Fixed typos here and there. In "Required For" field, now "Bard & Dancer" or "Clown & Gypsy" means a skill shared by both jobs that can be used independently; and "Bard/Dancer" or "Clown/Gypsy" means an ensemble skill shared by both jobs that must be executed by both. Also added "-SoulLinked" to those skills that can be obtained only through the Soul Linker skills. [Haplo] 2006/03/13 * Added Level Dependencies to GS/NJ [midas] 2006/03/11 * Merged update in SP costs for GS and NJ skills made in the default skilldesctable, into the "-iRO" and "-hybrid" files. [Haplo] * Merged the following Poki#3 work for items. The Gunslinger weapons received new IDs and were reorganized according to the new numbers. Updated the description of the Gunslinger and Ninja items. - Maybe rename item 7517 to "Magical Gold Coin"? It would match the item description. [Haplo] * Reverted the change of the unidentified names of items 13006 to 13009, and 13012 to 13015; because of the update in their descriptions. They are "Dagger" again, although I think is absurd that Gravity consider the Murasame as a dagger. <_< [Haplo] * Changed "Foot Gear" references to "Footgear", as is more consistent with the use of "Headgear" in descriptions. [Haplo] * After comments received about the format ":^777777 ", a preceding space is added ONLY for the item descriptions... to " :^777777 " This way, the people that like the old format for items will see it in-game the same as before, while maintaining readability. [Haplo] * Fixed more typos in the new skills and added a missing "KRO Name" for GS_RAPIDSHOWER in the "-hybrid" descriptions. [Haplo] 2006/03/10 * Finished GS/NJ skills. we still need more info, i have left the sp cost and the delays unedited so we can complete them easier. - hybrid tables have modified names that sound better. - still to do: sp cost and delays - what id is the gold coin used by GS? we should give a special name to that one "Dime" or something. - there are two items called "Gold Coin" in the item tables maybe one should be renamed "Gold Doubloon" to prvent mismatch.[midas] * Removed duplicated GS skill names and descriptions, the names given by midas were kept. Fixed some romanized Ninja skill names. Sorted them with GS skills first and NJ later to match their job IDs (GS= 24, NJ= 25), for both names and descriptions. Removed "IRO Name" and "KRO Name" fields from GS and NJ skills, since they will not be needed until IRO implement them. Fixed typos of the new skills up to this point. [Haplo] * Updated the "-iRO" and "-hybrid" skillnametables with the skill names for GS and NJ provided by the default skillnametable. - The "-iRO" and "-hybrid" skill descriptions for GS and NJ will be updated later, once they are finished. [Haplo] * Fixed ST_CHASEWALK description with correct STR bonuses, thanks to VNOM. [Haplo] * Reorganized items 13006-13015 descriptions to follow the itemdisplaynametable numeric order. [Haplo] 2006/03/09 * Began work on ninja and gs skills. [midas] - i come to think of, we do 3 times the work just for changing skill names, mabe we should have a single file and provide different skill names through a diff. would be easier. * Fixed some format related typos found, and made some missed format changes. [Haplo] 2006/03/08 * Fixed crashed text in changelog in last update. [Haplo] * Changed unidentified names of 13006 to 13009, and 13012 to 13015, from "dagger" to "sword" to be consistent with the items description. Also changed "Kazemashuriken" for "Kazema Shuriken", and fixed related missed entries (Wind Ghost to Kazema). [Haplo] * More standardization and fixed some typos. As requested by KarLaeda, the use of spaces has been standardized in the items and skills files; from " : ^777777", ":^777777", ": ^777777" and ":^777777 "... to only ":^777777 ", color format followed by space. The change will not be noticeable in-game, but it improves the readability of the text with word processors. [Haplo] 2006/03/07 * SL Skills, clarified description. minor changes to other skills. - ppl be careful with the skilldescs, if a text line is too long it crashes the client [midas] 2006/03/06 * Desc for GJ and NJ Equip (By Doddler, based on jRO) [Poki#3] 2006/03/02 * Added GS and NJ Equip (plus some leftover items) [Poki#3] * Added Ninja to the "Applicable Job" section (Yeah. Gravity already did that Oo) [Poki#3] 2006/02/28 * Changed Fricco's Shoes name to Freyr's Shoes, since is a much more widely known name for this god and is consistent with the name used in the description. [Haplo] * Standardized and reorganized a little the item files, as preparation for the incoming new NJ and GS equipments. [Haplo] 2006/02/26 * Some minor typos fix here and there. Updated some files in Dev folder. [Haplo] * Added skillnametable-hybrid.txt and skilldesctable-hybrid.txt. These files use mix flavored skill names between KRO and IRO, and the skill names are decided upon Manipulator's discretion. The are no preference between KRO and IRO names for these files; if the KRO skill name is used, the official IRO name is displayed at the bottom of description, if the IRO name is used, the official KRO name is displayed at the bottom of description. If the name is different than both officials, both of them are displayed at the bottom of description, with KRO Name preceding IRO Name. [Haplo] * Hopefully final fixes to the item desc and msg string table. Thanks to Haplo and Kumori. [Poki#3] * Changed all "Skel" to "Skeleton" (excluding Skel-Bone) [Poki#3] 2006/02/24 * Removed unused skills from the "Required For" field. [Poki#3] * Some minor item desc fixes. [Poki#3] 2006/02/23 * Typo check of the last big patch. Fixed several mythologically incorrect item descriptions, some typos in msgstringtable, typos in skill descriptions and some missing name changes. [Haplo] * Little update to the Readme.txt and Todo.txt file. [Haplo] 2006/02/21 * Major import from iRO's Ligthalzen patch [Poki#3] * Changed new skill names in iRO tables to mach iRO (Exept 2 skills...) [Poki#3] 2006/02/20 * Change of all Sight Rasher references to Sightrasher, thanks to Manipulator comments. [Haplo] * Added a missing temp item plug (ID 12137) in idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt and num2itemdisplaynametable.txt. [Haplo] 2006/02/18 * Typo hunt of pettalktable.xml, and some else found around. Added lines , , and for all those pets that were missing them (IRO table don't have them, but KRO table do), so now all pets will speak when doing performances. Because of current eAthena development the line , displayed at special performance, is also displayed at login (instead of ); so if you find it too annoying, you can delete the lines to avoid this behavior. Also standardized the format of the file. [Haplo] * Being now all files fully checked, I declare these files 99% typo free and give my Haplo ISO 9001 Certificate of Quality ;) [Haplo] 2006/02/03 * Added Guild skill Charisma description. The desc is commented by default, since it glues to the precedent skill description. This skill was dropped by Gravity, but is now added in the files just for completeness. [Haplo] * 3rd and final Stage of the skill updates: - Fixed the Tornado Stance missing line in iRO-Desc that I deleted by accident before. Thanks to auronx for reporting it. - Standardized some terms and abbreviations used in the formulas that appear in some descriptions. - Fixed typos everywhere. [Haplo] * Fixed a little typo in item 7399 description (that didn't match with the item's name). [Haplo] * Commented ALL the description lines of the commented items (Gunslinger and Ninja items), didn't found an easier way, to avoid them being glued to Wandering Bard's Bow and Wind General descriptions. Thanks to auronx for reporting it. [Haplo] 2006/02/02 * Updated items 2659, 2660, 2661, 2662, 7399, 7400, 7401, 7402, 7403, 7404 and 7173. [Poki#3] 2006/01/30 * Made kRO Skill Translations the Default ones. [Poki#3] * Fixed some Item names. [Poki#3] * Reverted Lupus's change for now. Theres no such thing in kRO's Desc! [Poki#3] * Added +1 INT,+1 DEX to 5102#Blank_Eyes (Round Eyes) [Lupus] * Corrected items to "Citrine" and "Rudra's Bow", thanks to NLZ. [Haplo] * 2nd Stage of the skill updates: - Little corrections in skillnametable-kRO.txt - Updated skilldesctable-kRO.txt to be fully consistent with KRO name table. The rules of the changes are the reverse than before, KRO Name precede IRO Name in description when the skill name used is not the official KRO name. [Haplo] * Fixed some missed name changes and typos here and there. Next step is a full typo search of all skill files. [Haplo] 2006/01/26 * Reverted some skill names back to there proper ones. [Poki#3] * After cooking this thing for over a week, here is the 1st Stage of the skill updates (since is longer than I thought): - Changed obsolete "Attack Weak Point" for "Fatal Blow", thanks to NLZ. - Removed duplicate "Require for" line at GD_BATTLEORDER, thanks to timexy. - Made the default skillnametable more iRO like using the updated iRO skill files present in their sdata.grf, since now we have an alternate kRO-name version. Some names were left unchanged after suggestions of Poki#3, Manipulator and midas. Some because their name is too popular (Asura, Spiral Pierce), default name don't match well with skill (Summon Flora, Spear Dynamo), etc. For the KA and ES Soul Linker skills, those in the name table were used, I think that Vicious will know better if they must be changed. - Changed skilldesctable.txt accordingly to be fully consistent with the name's table. Rules of these changes are: 1) iRO name is prefered. 2) If the iRO name is different from kRO, the kRO name is displayed at the bottom of description. 3) If the only difference between iRO and kRO is a compound vs. uncompound word (Demonbane/Demon Bane), 1 was chosen for both. 4) If an alternate name is used, the official iRO name is displayed at the bottom of description. 5) If the alternate name is NOT the official kRO name, the kRO name is also displayed below of the iRO name in description. - Corrected some names in skillnametable-kRO.txt to use the official names found on kRO website when an english name was given in parethesis. - Corrected Frenzy Lord Knight Skill requirements (currently don't have, only Job level 50). [Haplo] * Corrected few typos, 2nd Stage will be the consistency check of kRO descriptions with the kRO name table. Serious typo search of skill files will come later. If I missed something, please let me know. [Haplo] 2006/01/24 * Fixed Dryad Card and Karakasa Card. New desc for item 12134 [Poki#3] 2006/01/17 * Changed remaining Taekwon > TaeKwon, fixed a couple of typos. [Haplo] * Changed Luna Bow to Lunar Bow, thanks to NLZ, and modified the description a bit. [Haplo] * Typo hunting on mapnametable, metalprocessitemlist and [custom]monstertalktable. Hunt was good. [Haplo] * Renamed "ba_frostjoke2.txt" to "[alternative]ba_frostjoke.txt" [Poki#3] * Renamed "monstertalktable.xml" to "[custom]monstertalktable.xml". [Poki#3] Monster talking is now disabled by default as it it not implemented on official servers. If you want to use it, go ahead and rename the file. * Updated desc of the /skillfail command [Poki#3] * Taekwon > TaeKwon [Poki#3] * Added TaeKwon to some items "Applicable Job" section [Poki#3] * Some item translations by Vicious ;] [Poki#3] * HOPEFULLY Fixed Champions Combos (Especially Tiger Knuckle Fist. The skill names where BADLY messed up) [Poki#3] 2006/01/16 * Disabled Gunslinger and Ninja Equips completely. kRO removed them from the client. [Poki#3] * Temp plugs for 2006/01/17 items [Poki#3] 2006/01/15 * Fixes to the previous skill update. Thanks, Haplo. [Poki#3] 2006/01/14 * Updated some skill names. [Poki#3] * Added Flavor Text to Ninja skills. They describe the overall nature of the techniques. Big Thanks to Fox for the help! [Poki#3] * Names for 4 Ninja Weapons by Vicious. [Poki#3] 2006/01/12 * Knive -> Knife [midas] * Fixed a missing "0" in Martin Card. Thanks to Gepard [Poki#3] * Disabled 2 more items <_< (1152 and 1153) [Poki#3] * Temporarily disabled items 1151 and 1154 from the new Ninja Set. There ID's collide with older items! [Poki#3] 2006/01/11 * Final (i hope) Fixes to Frost Joke (By Haplo) [Poki#3] 2006/01/10 * "Frost Jokes" and "Screams" have a fixed number of lines. Having discovered this I took some lines from ba_frostjoke3 and moved them to ba_frostjoke so that they fill in the hole. Having done that, ba_frostjoke3 became obsolete and deleted. Similar things have been done to ba_frostjoke2 and dc_scream [Poki#3] * "Die, Typos, DIE!!!" - Haplo [Poki#3] * Added 2006/01/10 Items (WTF? NINJA Oo!) (Some items don't have desc) [Poki#3] 2006/01/09 * Vicious Translations and 2006/01/03 Patch changes: [Poki#3] - You need Level 3 or more in Cloacking, or Shinobi card will be limited to walls. - Desc for items: 7489, 7490, 13201, 13202, 13203, 13204, 13205, 13206, 13207, 2668, 12136, 7518, 12135, 7517, 7487, 7488, 7497, 7499, 7501, 7502, 7503, 7504, 7505, 2357, 2421, 2524, 7510, 7511, 7512, 7513, 584, 12133, 7514, 7515. Thanks again Vicious ;] 2006/01/08 * Fixed typos in dc_scream.txt, ba_frostjoke.txt and ba_frostjoke3.txt (Thanks to Haplo) [Poki#3] ba_frostjoke2.txt also contains some errors, but I have to check something in game. * Fixed typos in 3 Card Prefixes (Thanks to Haplo) [Poki#3] * Fixed one "Demi-human" in DC_WINKCHARM (Thanks to Haplo) [Poki#3] 2006/01/07 * Removed "of the Sun, Moon and Stars" from skillnametable's. They fit the skill tree properly now. [Poki#3] * Made the unidentified item text shorter, so you can we the items weight without scrolling down. [Poki#3] * Framework for new items. Vicious, please read the new file in the Dev Folder. [Poki#3] Item names for Guns and Bullets are by Doddler of RagnaInfo. Rest by Landarma of eAthena. * Changed Attack of item 13100 from 100 to 20. [Poki#3] * Change some msgstringtable lines so that they fit more to the moment they pop-up. [Poki#3] * New Desc for more items. Typos, ph3ar Haplo ;> [Poki#3] * 1 sec cast time -> Stone Curse [Lupus] 2006/01/06 * Removed a typo - single quote mark [Lupus] * More of Haplo's fixes [Poki#3] * Desc of some of the new items by Vicious [Poki#3] * Fixed "Jupiter Thunder" > "Jupitel Thunder" and "Jumprope" > "Jump Rope" [Poki#3] * Changed "Demi Human" and "Demi-Human" to "DemiHuman" [Poki#3] 2006/01/05 * I've delayed the update for to long. Meany small fixes thank's to the eA Community [Poki#3] - Haplo, Zephiris, incomplete, Manipulator (hope I didn't miss anyone) ======== Year 2006 ======== 2005/12/31 * BTW! Happy New Year ^^ * Changed Morroc to Morocc [Poki#3] * More you-know-what, by you-know-who xD [Poki#3] 2006/12/30 * Changed desc of Maya card. I didn't like the iRO one. [Poki#3] * Massive fixes by Haplo. When will he stop? :o [Poki#3] 2005/12/29 * Changed one "Bon Gun" to "Bongun" [Poki#3] * Fixed remaining Savage, Thef bugs and Pecos in otter files. Thanks to Haplo [Poki#3] * Fixed names of new items (Thanks, Vicious). Desc will be later ^^; [Poki#3] 2005/12/28 * Fixed guild skill requirements [Komurka] * Fixed Prisoner's Bangle desc, thanks to tre03, Haplo and frugal [Poki#3] * Changed all "PecoPeco" and "Pecopeco" to "Peco Peco" [Poki#3] 2005/12/27 * Raw addition's of the new items. Only Temp Plugs. [Poki#3] * Changed all "Thefbug's" to "Thief Bug's" [Poki#3] * REALY fixed the color NOW! [Poki#3] * Re-fixed the color tag for Orc Sword ^^; [Poki#3] * Fixed colour tags for Orcish Sword thanks to incomplete [mrmagoo] * Fixed colour tags in potions so they all look the same [mrmagoo] * Urgh. Fixed the stupid typos in the maps >.< Thats what I get for not sleaping well... Thanks Rideword [Poki#3] 2005/12/26 * Added a bunch of maps to mapnametable. Scroll to the bottom ^^ [Poki#3] 2005/12/25 * Fixed Sesame Pastry. It adds HIT, not ATK. [Poki#3] 2005/12/23 * Haplo fixed a bunch of typos in the new desc ^^; [Poki#3] * Endure desc fix [Komurka] 2005/12/22 * Some Fixes, Thanks to Haplo! [Poki#3] * A TON (hundreds and hundreds of...) items have new flavor text. Please watch out for typos! [Poki#3] * Head Gear > Headgear, Weaponry > Weapon. [Poki#3] 2005/12/21 * Fixed "Type: Passive" appearing twice in 'Skin Tempering' desc. Thanks to Spiritual_Kid [Poki#3] * Uploaded v3 Textures.rar. Please go to http://mrmagoo.psiblade.net/translation/ and download it. [Poki#3] * Hugel Patch! ;] [Poki#3] - The Katar "Unholy Touch" (1263) now gives Critical rate - 1 - Changed the ID of "Rifle" and "Bullet" (1726 to 13100 and 1772 to 13200) - Removed effect from Lucky Potion - 35 New Items (Descriptions for the items will be introduced later) - New map names. * Fixed small typo in Golden Bells. [Poki#3] * Added a missing line to Electric Guitar. [Poki#3] * Fixed one map name. Thanks to NLZ. [Poki#3] * Removed duplicate of SA_CLASSCHANGE. Thanks to NLZ. [Poki#3] 2005/12/19 * Typo correction: brake -> break in skill descriptions. Thanks to Haplo [Manipulator] 2005/12/16 * iRO Import [Poki#3] Pumkin => Pumpkin (^^;), Luise's Santa Hat => Louise's Santa Hat, Red Package => Santa's Bag * Removed the "Create %s#" line from msgstringtable. Seams like the new kRO client does not read it [Poki#3] 2005/12/14 * Tarot Cards cast time IS reduceable by Dex [Poki#3] * Changed desc of Union of the Sun, Moon and Stars (Knight Berserk? XD) [Poki#3] * Small fix to item 7346. Thanks to Haplo [Poki#3] * Reverted midas's last "Fix" [Poki#3] 2005/12/11 * Removed dup 7434. Thanks to Haplo [Poki#3] 2005/12/10 * Moded the Potion Guides :P [Poki#3] 2005/12/09 * Added potion formulas to the manuals in the item descripts [midas] * Updated some skill descriptions according to posts on ragnainfo [midas] * I was bored, so I translated some items ;] [Poki#3] 5106, 1916, 1966, 7340, 7341, 7342, 7343, 7344, 7345, 7346, 7347, 7348, 7349, 2657, 7350, 7351, 2663, 2664. * Added Taekwon Class to ASPD Pots [Poki#3] * Changed Second Advent of Angel and Angel's Kiss to novice only. They are part of a novice set. Thanks to Kholdstare. [Vicious] * Fixed Demon of the Sun, Moon and Stars desc [Poki#3] 2005/12/07 * Fixed Star Gladiator maseges [Poki#3] 2005/12/04 * Skill range fixes (RO have fixed ranges - they doesn't depend on weapon) [Komurka] 2005/12/02 * Replaced Baby_Desertwolf_Card with Desertwolf_Babe_Card. [Manipulator] * More Baby to Babe replacements for Desert Wolf instances. Thanks to Haplo. [Manipulator] * Minor typo corrections to idnum2 and num2item desc tables. Thanks to auronx. [Manipulator] 2005/12/01 * Replaced AGAIN all occurences of Savage Bebe back into Savage Babe. [Manipulator] * Finally fixed wrong description of Pressure (MaxSP -> SP) [Lupus] * Added 2 maps to mapnametable.txt (ordeal_a00 and ordeal_a02) [Poki#3] * Added raw framework to Gunslinger skills [midas] 2005/11/29 * Added Auction Maps to the map name table [Poki#3] * A few skill desc clarifications [Poki#3] * Minor typo correction to item#4166 thanks to TJ09. [Manipulator] 2005/11/28 * New items from Patch 202005/05/2005/11/29. Red Package, Symbol of a Brave Warrior, Cloud General, Wind General. [Poki#3] * New skill changes to TaeKwon Classes. (Translation of the items and skills by Vicious_Pucca) [Poki#3] 2005/11/27 * Some minor overlooked corrections. Defence-> Defense. [Manipulator] 2005/11/26 * Changed "Thef Class" to "Assassin" in Orcish Axe [Poki#3] * Added something to Lucky Potion ^^; [Poki#3] 2005/11/22 * Small crash fix in msgstringtable.txt - missing one line [Komurka] * Small fixes on new items [Vicious_Pucca] * Weekly kRO Patch changes, item translations by Vicious_Pucca: [Poki#3] - Added stat + and - to Skeleton Manteau - Changed the Weight of Philosopher's Stone from 1 to 30. - New items: Rifle, Bullet, Glove of Archer, Wondering Bard's Bow, Lucky Potion, Santa Hat (A new one!). - Updated desc of Cyclops Eye 2005/11/16 * Corrected some skills and updated Infiltrator [Vicious_Pucca] * Gunslinger and Ninja Temp Skill plugs are in!!! [Poki#3] * One New item (Translation by Vicious) [Poki#3] * Corected Job requirement for half of the Elementall armors (an in todays kRO patch) [Poki#3] 2005/11/14 * Fixed one missing "Li Me Mang Ryang" > "Dancing Dragon" in the desc of Wanderer Card ^^; [Poki#3] * Auto-Guard -> Guard (midas' desc only) and corrected the formula thanks to Haplo [mrmagoo] * Minor corections. PoPoring > Poporing, RAMADAN > Ramadan, KETUPAT_SAYUR > Ketupat. [Poki#3] Id Item [ID 7458] name realy "Unknown" ? Oo * Fixed some of Vicious's grammar, and updated the num2itemdesctable.txt [Poki#3] 2005/11/13 * Updated items... backward! [Vicious_Pucca] 2005/11/12 * Fixed Brooch of Cursed Fortune [Vicious_Pucca] * Fixed Ganbantein and Gravity Field and other skills color tags - Thanks to frugal for pointing it out [Poki#3] *sight* They need a makeover -_- * Fixed the map names of the last levels of Thanatos Tower - Thanks to Haplo for pointing it out [Poki#3] 2005/11/09 * Not a change, but a notice. I uploaded a new rar file called "The Sign Quest Patch.rar" to you site at http://mrmagoo.psiblade.net/translation/ It consists of 4 BMP's that are used in The Sign quest. The ones in your kRO sdata.grf is in Korean, so i extracted the pics from iRO's sdata.grf. Enjoy. [Poki#3] 2005/11/06 * Updated Masamune, Iron Driver, Repeating Crossbow. Hope that's all.[Poki#3] * Another MASIVE update! Overal fixes, some from iRO :o [Poki#3] * FLEE > Flee Rate [Poki#3] 2005/11/04 * Typo correction: Ressurect to Resurrect. Homonuculus to Homunculus. Among others. [Manipulator] * Removed "Contrary to the name it can be used with every weapon" from kRO's desc of Concentration [Poki#3] * Fixed Aura Blade Requirement in Magnym Break's desc - Thanks to PeF for this and the above [Poki#3] * New desc for Izidor (709) by vicious_pucca [Poki#3] 2005/11/03 * Cook Books Finished. All the recepies are in... hopefuly errorless ^^; [Poki#3] 2005/11/01 * "Casting Delay" > "Casting Time" [Poki#3] * Bey, bey, Over-powered Pumpkin Hat ^^; [Poki#3] * Changed some msgstringtable.txt lines to show bether, with the Wiz's "Monster Property" skill [Poki#3] 2005/10/31 * Added Female Only to 5092 & 5093 thank to the__android [mrmagoo] * Fixed a few missing #'s in num2itemdesctable.txt [mrmagoo] * Changed Item inventory. -> Inventory in msgstringtable thanks to Mulsiphix [mrmagoo] 2005/10/29 * Added desc to 7483 (Todo: Cook Books. I'll go esy on it, and ad then after eA gets the ingrediance done ^^; ) [Poki#3] * Removed "Weight : 0" from some items, just like kRO. [Poki#3] * Fixed Weight of items 2636 and 2637 (From 0 to 10) [Poki#3] * Fixed Ocult Impact Range from 9 to 2 [Poki#3] 2005/10/26 * Fixed Desc of items: 12023, 7331 12024 575 576, 7361 ~ 7398, 12035 ~ 12039, 12040 [Poki#3] * Swaped items Number 5114, 5115, 5120. Thanks to vicious_pucca [Poki#3] * Fixed Gran Cross desc for Komurka ^^ [Poki#3] * Added HP cost to Increase AGI [Komurka] 2005/10/25 * Fixed desc of items: 5125, 5126, 5127, 5128, 5129, 5130, 5131, 5132, 1562, 1771. [Poki#3] Note to self: re-check the new equips :/ * Updated Emergency Call Desc [Poki#3] * Fixed desc of items: 7338, 7339, 5122, 5123, 5124. I'll do more later ;] [Poki#3] 2005/10/24 * Removed the Item ID's that Manip translated from Translation Notes [Poki#3] 2005/10/23 * Some more temporary item descriptions I made to replace Bablefish ones. [Manipulator] * added level dependencies to demonbane and devine protection [midas] * set def reduction for signum crucius according to ea sources to test for correction [midas] ==>> Revision 100 Reached ^^ <<== * BIG msgstringtable.txt update. Some things done by me, but a very big chunk is in thanks to Kumori [Poki#3] * Small kRO skill addictions, and bug fixes [Poki#3] * A little Google to English translations. Manip, you can do thins, if you want ^^; [Poki#3] Making the translations is realy fun ^^, I just wish I had more time... 2005/10/21 * Removed duplicate entries for skilldesctable.txt and skilldesctable-kro.txt, Thanks to Naru for pointing it out. [Manipulator] - SA_REVERSEORCISH, SA_FORTUNE, SA_TAMINGMONSTER, SA_QUESTION, SA_GRAVITY. 2005/10/20 * Removed the RARs from the releases folder [mrmagoo] I've left a readme for anyone with old links who doesn't know where the mirror is. I'll add the other mirror to it when it's working. 2005/10/19 * Fixed Whisper Boss Card desc: Max HP +30% -> +3%. Just check Korean desc 8) [Lupus] * Added 7483 as a crashfix using Landarma's display name, the description needs translation though. Poki#3? [mrmagoo] * Updated the readme.txt in releases with the address of my RAR mirror. 2005/10/15 * Removed skillnametable.bak.txt I don't thinks its needed anymore. [Poki#3] * Added mrmagoo's fix to skilldesctable-kRO.txt [Poki#3] * Fixed Provoke's colour tags thanks to elmo-chan [mrmagoo] * Updated New Cards Desc, based on iRO [Poki#3] * Minor Map Name Table typo corrections [Poki#3] 2005/10/13 * Message string table changes. [Poki#3] Changed some lvl to Level, changed Guild Master to Guild Leader (No more mistaking the "GM" shortcut) Some changes to the Guild Window, Overall typo Fixes, Star Gladiator messeges sound better 2005/10/12 * Updated 1245,1246 Cinquedia. Required level 55 -> 30, thx2persian69 4info [Lupus] * All stat -> All Stats (just made it look the same way in all item descs) [Lupus] * Removed ATK + 20 from Ancient Mummy + Mummy Card Combo Bonus [Lupus] 2005/10/11 * Removed some stupid "Enable to" -_- [Poki#3] * Removed leveluseskillspamount.txt. Theres NOTHING that needs Translating there. [Poki#3] Simply keep the client up to date and everything will be fine * Some mapnametable.txt changes for the new Yuno and Einbroch fields. [Poki#3] * Changed Maya Card description to better describe the actual effect [Poki#3] * Added 2005/10/11 Items. My own Translations ^^; [Poki#3] 2005/10/10 * added leveluseskillspamount.txt to complete the skills package [midas] * Falcon Assault fix (180%+40*SkillLV% -> 150%+70*SkillLV%) [Komurka] 2005/10/09 * Replaced (again)ALL occurrences of 'Grinded' with 'Ground' representing the proper grammar 'Past Participle' verb form of 'Grind'. Grinded is now obsolete. [Manipulator] 2005/10/07 * Fixed Wind Walk Desc [Poki#3] * iRO Sakrey got the Einbroch patch Finaly xD Here are the changes: [Poki#3] - New Desc: 7184, 684, 7285, 7286, 567, 5099, 7292, 570, 571, 5102, 2642, 2643, 7304, 7305, 7306, 7307, 7308, 7309, 7313, 7314, 2644, 12020, 7310, 7311, 7312, 7315, 7316, 7317, 7318, 7319, 7320, 7321, 7322, 7323, 7325, 7326, 7327, 2645, 5103, 1244, 7328, 7329, 2646, 12021, 12022. - New Item Names: ...lost the list -_-. Compare the files... - Official iRO New Card Prefixes are in. Of course iRO Overlooked all "Post Fixes" so i made my own -_- I can tell you that the guy who translates for iRO is DEFINITELY not and English speaker... He made a ton of grammatical errors while doing it -_- (We > iRO ;>) He also changed a bunch of perfectly good desc to something that looks like Kindergarten -_- Of course I skipped the total nonsense, and sometimes I had to change some perfectly good translations to something that looks worse :/ Anyone want to compare the new with the old and select the best desc? (Or meaby a mix of the two?) 2005/10/06 * Reverted Venom Knife's Weight back to 0.5 (It was changed from 1 to 0.5 in an aerier kRO Patch) [Poki#3] * Changed some new item names to the Ones that Landarma translated for eA [Poki#3] 2005/10/05 * Changed implamented->implemented on a few items [mrmagoo] * Cleaned up a lot of new item descriptions using mRO as a reference [mrmagoo] 5104, 5103, 5102, 5101, 7280-7284, 7285, 7304, 7305, 7306, 7307, 7308, 7309, 7310, 7311, 7312, 7313, 7314, 7315, 7316, 7317, 7318, 7319, 7320, 7322, 7323, 7325, 7326, 7327, 7328, 7329, 12020, 12021, 12022, 12025, 12026. * Changed weight of Venom Knife to 1 (i though Poki#3 did that?) [mrmagoo] * Fixed a few colour (sorry, color :P) tags and typos [mrmagoo] 2005/10/04 * Copied over fixes from skillnametable to skillnametable-kRO [Poki#3] (To Devs - If you change something in one file, PLEASE change it in boath) * TK > Taekwon * Fixed weight of Hand of God (should be 2 not 10) [mrmagoo] * Changed striped -> stripped on 1148 [mrmagoo] * Fixed Infiltrator (1261) Dodge Rate to 5, not 5% [mrmagoo] * Added Wind Property to Mjolnir as kRO seems to agree [mrmagoo] * Added this weeks changes to skill descripts [midas] 2005/10/02 * Overal typo fixes, mainly betwen Slotted and non slotted items. That Finishes the descrypion recheck that I was planing. We probebly still need to recheck Jobs, Waight and so on... [Poki#3] * Added MDEF + 1 to Kafra Ring (2640), MDEF + 3 to #5097 [Poki#3] * Critical, CRIT > Critical rate [Poki#3] * Added Descryption to Unitentified Slotted Chain (1521) and Beard (2240) [Poki#3] * Wind Walker gives +x not +x% to flee, fixed that [midas] (Midas, write AT THE TOP of the Changelog -_- ) * Slowly started working on a kRO Version of the Skill Desc [Poki#3] 2005/10/01 * Reorganized the skill name tables (Old Version is backuped) [Poki#3] * Fixed some iRo Names... - Twilight Alchemy 1, 2 and 3 Changed to Twilight Alchemy (Without the numbers, thats how it should be) - Throw Tomahawk > Tamahawk Throwing - Ka and Es Magic (kRO Ones to) - Some Spirit Skills - Some Star Knight Skills - All TaeKwon Skills :/ - Master Smith unused Skills... dunnow why but what the hell ^^ - Hyper Spirit Sphere > Zen - Full Adrenaline Rush > Advanced Adrenaline Rush - Berserk Pitcher > Aid Berserk Potion Weh... I thinks thats all... Ill work on a kRO Desc Later... * Changed the New Quest skill Max Level to 1 (Who ever saw one with more??) * Reverted impation back to impact (n oengrish if possible) [midas] ( Note by Poki#3: Midas, please write new things at the TOP of the Changelog, and on iRO it's "Occult Impaction") ( See for youreself: http://iro.ragnarokonline.com/game/jobmonskill.asp ) * Item 7173 is "To Be Corected (TM)" [Poki#3] * Removed Old Japan Event Items (542, 543) [Poki#3] * Added Unitentified Desc for 2237 Bandit Beard, and desc for 2238 Moustache (Wich doesn't have a sprite btw ^^;) * Reverted Grinded > Ground [Poki#3] Taken from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grinding Grinding is a form of preparing food for eating, or for use in other forms of cooking. For example, bread and pasta rely on grinding of the flour, the production of tahini (sesame seed paste) involves grinding of the seeds, ground almonds are an important ingredient in many dishes. Also we had some nonsens like "plant is ground well and eaten" or "filled with ground meat" 2005/09/30 * Fixed Blast Mine description (explosion time) [Komurka] * Switched grinded->ground for herbs/potions again (did somebody prefer grinded?) [mrmagoo] * Switched Lucky FLEE->Perfect Dodge [mrmagoo] * Fixed a few typos in About.txt [mrmagoo] * Fixed Root description (Throw Sphere <-> Occult Impaction) [Komurka] Occult Impact -> Occult Impaction 2005/09/29 * Summon Flora (iRO) -> Bio Canibalize (kRO) [Komurka] * Many skill descs fixes (numbers mostly according to kRO web page, also corrected guild skills) [Komurka] * Compared pre 2005/09/27 kRO Desc with the 2005/09/27 one and added the changes [Poki#3] - Venom Knife Weight changed to 0.5 from 1 - 12122, 12123 and 12124 got new Effects... Google Translations t.t - Added "All stat + 2" to item Number 5134 - New items are in. Currently comparing a new kRO Desc with the iRO one :/ I've noticed that there are Severe Differences... Guard for instance :/ 2005/09/28 * Merged with Komurka's Skill descs and fixed a lot of differences, [midas] yet some things remain uncertain. see skilldesctable_notes.txt and Translation Notes.txt 2005/09/27 * Temp Plugs for 2005/09/27 Items, to lazy to add the desc -_- [Poki#3] * Soul Linker's In ^^ (Still gathering some info about Berserk Pot) [Poki#3] * Fixed Damage : > Attack : [Poki#3] * Removed "Property : Neutral" from Weapons (because Neutral is a "Default property" [Poki#3] Arrows and Venom Knife are left intact. 2005/09/26 * Every correction Moved to unidentified items, Finlay ^^ [Poki#3] - Note: Some Unidentified items have different Weight then the identified Version! Don't ask me why it was like that... I moved the Identified item weight over... <_< * More grammar Fixes... [Poki#3] * Fixes to mapnametable.txt pointed out by Manipulator [Poki#3] * Changed "Fur Seal" to "Seal" [Poki#3] * Some copying of grammar fixes from idnum to num. More to Come [Poki#3] 2005/09/23 * Reorganizing the SVN [Poki#3] - Removed releses/old folder - Deleted the old About.txt, corrected and moved About2 in its place - Removed Thumbs.db from BMP rar thus updating it to v2 - Added a data folder to the textures.rar so it can be unpacked directly in the RO folder (v2) (You'll have to re-download the whole 2 files, sorry for that -_-) - Packed Everything into v46-Text.rar * Some Fixes to kRO Skill Names [Poki#3] * Added Star Gladiator to the Applicable Job section of certain items. [Poki#3] - Soul Linker is still missing. Can he wear Equipment that is ONLY for Mage and Wizard (Like Wizard Hat) or everything that Mages can equip (Like Knife) ? And what about "Every Job" and "Every job Except Novice" Equips? 2005/09/22 * Banana Hat (added 3% chance of Provoke) [Lupus] 2005/09/21 * Reverted back 'Babe' to 'Bebe' thanks to blackrazor for pointing out my error. [Manipulator] * Removed duplicates from kRO-skillnametable.txt and fixed some names [Poki#3] * Some clean ups of # characters for Dr.Evil. The client will probably likes them to :3 [Poki#3] * Moved the rar Files from the root directory to relese/old [Poki#3] Can we delete them? * Added new items (21/2005/09/05) [Poki#3] Landarma's Item Names, Google item Descriptions. I Hope I didn't made any mistake when translation the effects, anyone want to double check? I Used Landarma's item_db addition is a reference. * Made some new maps in the mapnametable.txt sound bether ^^ [Poki#3] Gravity is still missing 4 maps in that file -_- 2005/09/20 * Some more translation replacements to Google ones [Manipulator] * Replace Savage Bebe with Savage Babe for both Card and Egg items. Thanks to dantem [Manipulator] 2005/09/18 * Arbalest_Bow > Arbalest (1713), Novice_Main-Gauche > Novice_Main_Gauche (1243) (Thanks to KarLaeda) [Poki#3] * Item names Dyestuffs -> Dyestuff [Lupus] * [itemdesc] changed few Weigth: -> Weight :, separated 2 slipped words in #506 desc [Lupus] * [skillsdesc] Finished fixing small typos and differences, such as: [Lupus] - Max lvl -> Max level, Etc : - > Catalyst:, [LEVEL ??] -> [LV ??], Description: -> Effect: * Almost nearly completing the googled item descriptions. At least, it's better, though inaccurate. [Manipulator] * Replaced lvl/Lv -> Level as suggested by Lupus (a few survived) [mrmagoo] * Tweaked some herb/potion desciptions (restores HP about ?? -> recovers about ?? HP etc) [mrmagoo] * Fixed Guild Extension description thanks to andz [mrmagoo] * Replaced MaxHP/MaxSP -> Maximum HP/Maximum SP [mrmagoo] * Several fixes thanks to k3dt (Provoke/Autobeserk have NOT been changed) [mrmagoo] * Added kRO-skillnametable.txt. Simply Rename it to skillnametable.txt if you want kRO skill names. Still need an Updated skilldesctable.txt with kRO names thou. [Poki#3] * More item description temporary translations by me. Still NOT accurate, of course. [Manipulator] * Removed/fixed the Not Implamented in num2itemdesctable thanks to k3dt [mrmagoo] (mostly updates not yet copied from idnum2itemdesctable) * Fixed Required For: of Weaponry Reasearch thanks to k3dt [mrmagoo] * Fixed Cool Down: for Falcon Assault thanks to Lorky [mrmagoo] * Copied a few newer descriptions over to num2itemdesctable [mrmagoo] * Re-added the missing texture.rar! [mrmagoo] * Organised the SVN a bit more [mrmagoo] * Fixed some unidentified weights [mrmagoo] (why does 1356 have different weight to 1355 in eAthena DB??) 2005/09/17 * Started replacing google translations with something intelligible. [Manipulator] Un-official and may NOT be accurate. Better than reading gibberish, eh?. May be replaced later when real proper translations are offered by then. xD * Fixes pointed out by Lupus: [Poki#3] - Required lvl > Required Level - Weapon lvl > Weapon Level - Attribute > Property (Meaby we should Remove "Property : Neutral" ??) * Fixed name of Fire Wall 5 Scroll (Thanks to andz) [Poki#3] * Added the data folder to textures.rar and moved it to the root folder [Poki#3] We Probebly still need to reorganize it. 2005/09/16 * Fixed some typos/grammar [mrmagoo] * Changed Songwha Week to Songwha Orb [Poki#3] * Fixed Id of the 8'th Songwha Orb (Thanks to KarLaeda) [Poki#3] * Fixed Id of "Indonesia" Item (Thanks to KarLaeda) [Poki#3] * Removed iRO's 1'st Year Anniversary Party Hat (Thanks to KarLaeda) [Poki#3] (There's already a normal Party hat with the same ID) 2005/09/15 * Added 538 and 539 to num2itemdisplaynametable.txt [mrmagoo] * Fixed 4236, chances should increase to 2% not 100% (my mistake). [mrmagoo] * Added info from the eAthena DB for 5122, 5123, 5124, 5126, 5127, 5128, 5129, 5130, 5131, 5132 and 1562, still need descriptions though. [mrmagoo] * Updated msgstringtable.txt by taking bits from mRO's (?) one provided by dUMBIe [Poki#3] * Added midas' latest skill name/desc tables Updated as of 09.14.2005 [Manipulator] * Added Whisper Boss Card and '4303' to idnum2item/num2itemdisplaynamertable. Thanks to dUMBIe [Manipulator] * Proof-read Poki#3's About.txt and made some typo corrections to it. [Manipulator] * Added Cards 4295 and 4298 to cardpostfixnametable.txt (Thanks to KarLaeda) [Poki#3] * All 13/2005/09/05 Items are in (Google Tranlations) [Poki#3] * Added 13/2005/09/05 Items to displaynametables. Adding desc tablels right now... [Poki#3] * Added missing guild_vs4 and guild_vs5 to mapnametable.txt [Poki#3] 2005/09/14 * Changed 'Allows to use ' to 'Cast ' on scrolls, i think it's better [mrmagoo] * Corrected item name typos/grammar for 1417, 1463-1465 and 1469 - please check [mrmagoo] * Added Dev/About2.txt, comments/suggestions? [mrmagoo] * Added English Tip Of The Day and Default RO Skin (+ euRO Skin ^^) [Poki#3] All in totd_skin.rar * Added Custom names for the new maps... till kRO fixes this ^^; [Poki#3] (I coudn't warp to tha_scene01 -_- ) * Fixed a few map names based on mRO (thanks to davidchak) [Poki#3] * Removed the resnametable. Addet a seperate rar with kRO's resnametables. [Poki#3] * Fixed the description of items 562, 563, 565 & 7279 Used mRO's descryption. Translated by davidchak [Poki#3] * Fixed a Typo in manner.txt [Poki#3] * Added Latest idnum2itemresnametable.txt from latest kRo Patch [iKKe] * Fixed a Typo, Yes, one! o.o i Will add kRo Changes later [iKKe] 2005/09/12 * SVN Started. Please write all changes here... [Poki#3]