//Hair Dye NPC geffen.gat,155,83,4 script Stylist 763,{ mes "[Stylist]"; mes "I'm your personal stylist,"; mes "What do you wish to change?"; next; menu "Hair",Lhair,"Clothes",Lclothe,"Nothing",Lnone; Lhair: mes "[Stylist]"; mes "Lets see...hmmm"; mes "What color do shall we change to?"; next; menu "Default",LH1, "Blonde",LH2, "Lavender",LH3, "Brown",LH4, "Green",LH5, "Blue",LH6, "White",LH7, "Black",LH8, "Red",LH9, "Cancel",LCancel; LH1: mes "[Stylist]"; mes "Wow you look good."; setlook 6 0; close; LH2: mes "[Stylist]"; mes "Hot Blonde, indeed!"; setlook 6 1; close; LH3: mes "[Stylist]"; mes "Lavender, great choice."; setlook 6 2; close; LH4: mes "[Stylist]"; mes "Brown, a bit common, but works."; setlook 6 3; close; LH5: mes "[Stylist]"; mes "Crazy, green look....alright."; setlook 6 4; close; LH6: mes "[Stylist]"; mes "Blue has always been my favorite color :)"; setlook 6 5; close; LH7: mes "[Stylist]"; mes "White looks really good on Mages and Priests."; setlook 6 6; close; LH8: mes "[Stylist]"; mes "o.O black is great!"; setlook 6 7; close; LH9: mes "[Stylist]"; mes "Red is wild! *passes out from Anorexia*"; setlook 6 8; close; LCancel: mes "[Stylist]"; mes "Well come again."; close; Lclothe: if(class >=12)goto Ljob; mes "[Stylist]"; mes "Ahh your clothes..hmm"; mes "I will have em for you in a few seconds"; mes "Now choose a pallete."; mes "If you have a 2-2 Job or are an Assassin"; mes "You cannot Change Yo Job ^^Homie G"; next; menu "Default",LC_1, "Pallete 1",LC_2, "Palette 2",LC_3, "Palette 3",LC_4, "Cancel",LCancel2; LC_1: setlook 7 0; close; LC_2: setlook 7 1; close; LC_3: setlook 7 2; close; LC_4: setlook 7 3; close; Lsin: mes "Assassins and 2-2 can't change their Color ^_-"; close; Lnone: close; }