Character Server:
  1. Open /conf/char_athena.conf
  2. Change userid and passwd (s1/p1) to what you want your server's communication details to be.
  3. Change Server_Name to what you want to call your server.
  4. Remove the // before login_ip.
  5. Remove the // before char_ip and change to your WAN IP.
Map Server:
  1. Open /conf/map_athena.conf
  2. Change userid and passwd to the same thing you set in char_athena.
  3. Remove the // before char_ip.
  4. Remove the // before map_ip and change to your WAN IP.
  1. Open /conf/subnet_athena.conf
  2. Change to your "Subnet Mask", change the two to your LAN IP.
MySQL Settings:
  1. Open /conf/inter_athena.conf
  2. Find the "Global SQL Settings" and change them to your SQL server's settings.
Message of the Day:
  1. Open /conf/motd.txt and edit it to change the in-game MOTD.